That is an excellent example of perceptual sleep adeyc. The 3rd voice your brain "hears" is unusual and therefore could be a danger to you so your brain alerts you to it. You say you could sleep through a bombing etc. that maybe true but I guarantee you whilst in sleep mode, if your sensory canals(nose) picks up the smell of smoke you would react in the same manner. The reason a lot of peeps die in fires because of smoke inhalation is by the time their brain gets into gear to wake you up, the smoke from the fire will be surpressing the brains alert systems.That is why when you smoke it dulls your senseses and reaction times, and the nicotene gives you the sense of eurphoria. The smoke is actually poisoning your brain. Like all drugs,even the good old paracetemol act on the motor neurones and synapses of the brain to do their particular function. Which is to desensitise the messages reaching the brain.
Go to the top of the class adeyc............and sharpen all the pencils. :laugh: :laugh: :laugh:
Go to the top of the class adeyc............and sharpen all the pencils. :laugh: :laugh: :laugh: