Do Fish Recognize Their Owners?


Fish Fanatic
Jun 30, 2008
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I have a juvenile green terror and a blood parrot in tank together. The other day I noticed the green terror was darker than normal and was sitting at the bottom, looking kinda depressed. I assumed the BP was picking on him, so I rearranged all the landscape so they could re establish their territories to see if that would fix it, before i left for the weekend. I came back last night and checked on them and the green terror swam to the front of the tank and almost seemed like he was happy to see me! He was kinda overly flapping his fins rocking back and forth. Kinda reminded me of a dog who hasn't seen his owner in a while. Is this a characteristic of fish? Do they recognize their owner? I was pretty surprised when i saw him doing this.
I have a juvenile green terror and a blood parrot in tank together. The other day I noticed the green terror was darker than normal and was sitting at the bottom, looking kinda depressed. I assumed the BP was picking on him, so I rearranged all the landscape so they could re establish their territories to see if that would fix it, before i left for the weekend. I came back last night and checked on them and the green terror swam to the front of the tank and almost seemed like he was happy to see me! He was kinda overly flapping his fins rocking back and forth. Kinda reminded me of a dog who hasn't seen his owner in a while. Is this a characteristic of fish? Do they recognize their owner? I was pretty surprised when i saw him doing this.

or maybe he is just hungry :drool:
I know they learn to associate people with food. My cichlids come to the top of the water and appear to stare at me when I approach the tank.
I know they learn to associate people with food. My cichlids come to the top of the water and appear to stare at me when I approach the tank.

dont they. malawis are awful for it lol. mines follow when i walk past the tank, keeping them away is hard lol
I am firmly of the belief that some fish can recognise different people. Mine beg for food whenever I'm in the room, but don't bother to do so if my other half walks past - they know that he never feeds them.

Some fish are extraordinarily intelligent; my LFS has a gorgeous giant gourami that just exudes attitude and you can look at him eye to eye and just know he is thinking about what you're doing. Very creepy but fascinating fish.
i think they do,or at least they definately kno that seeing you means food, i think they have very interesting personalitys,amusing to watch
Jambo does, he sees me and goes mental, but then so do most people as its usually a sign that i have forgotten something :(
The fish atleast recognize you as a bringer of food as most have said... but I know mine seem to think every time I come near the tank I am going to clean it as well as at first, they stop and kind of wonder what I'm doing (they hate when I vac, everyone crowds into one corner). But as soon as I grab the food glass (in which I prepare the frozen food) they know its meal time and couldn't be happeir in the world :D

Ox :good:
& what's happened to the 3 second memory of the goldish as everyone seem to proclaim.... I don't believe that for a minute! (sic)....

I had an Oscar some time back that (without doubt) recognized me.... anybody could approach the tank with no response, but as soon as I was in the vicinity, it acted & reacted differently. (but then again, Oscars are that bit more intelligent than your average aquarium dweller) I think your tetras are the most ignorant - to be discrete.

I know on some fish farms, they won't allow you in unless you don one of their uniform (be it white or bright orange) so as not to disturb the fish with unfimiliar human movement.....but it's debatable.
Since I turn my filter off when feeding them, when I do so they all come to the surface, anticipating food.
Very Pavlovian !!!!
I know on some fish farms, they won't allow you in unless you don one of their uniform (be it white or bright orange) so as not to disturb the fish with unfimiliar human movement.....but it's debatable.

That's interesting Ludwig, i used to work in a LFS that had a 5 foot display tank with a couple of severums and an Urau, All were full grown and would only respond to people wearing blue (our uniforms were blue), if you wore a blue shirt they were almost tame and happy to be hand fed but no blue, No interest.

Didn't stop the sevs trying to chew my hand to pieces whilst cleaning the tank during breeding time though!
There ye are.... obviously came from a Blue farm....(so it probably works) I had a pair of breeding Severums that actually bit me to draw blood with their little ridged teeth. does'nt hurt, but draws blood.

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