Do fish really " PLAY " ????

Do your fish, or fish in general,....PLAY??

  • YES, my fish play ALL the time!!!

    Votes: 0 0.0%
  • NO, my fish never play but I do believe they can!!!

    Votes: 0 0.0%
  • NO, my fish never play and I seriously doubt that it's possible!

    Votes: 0 0.0%
  • NO, my fish NEVER play and I don't think ANY fish can, that's the stupidest thing I've ever heard...

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If fish don't play then neither do any other creatures. Fish playing may be instinctual behavior but so are sports(agility, hunting and dominance behavior) jokes (language skills necessary for human cooperation)etc, etc...

OK, you get my point. Please stop acting so superior. Fish play as much as anything else.
My panda corys play all the time so do my pepperd corys,and my 2 Gouramis play chase with eachother but never hurt oneanother.All my fish are entertaining in there own way. :fun:
Ok. No need to get pissed off. :D

IMO, playing is not swimming against the current, swimming in schools, or nipping. I just have a different view of the word, as does cichlidaddict and many other people.
hi my fish always play my danios mostly they play tag and they try to play with other fish but they just ignore the danios they play all day mostly when i come into the room my cloud minnows are also very playful them and my glowlight tetras play tag its realy funny im going to go and get more cory cats cos i only have one i feel sorry for him lol :)
If fish don't play then neither do any other creatures. Fish playing may be instinctual behavior but so are sports(agility, hunting and dominance behavior) jokes (language skills necessary for human cooperation)etc, etc...

OK, you get my point. Please stop acting so superior. Fish play as much as anything else.

Would you care to elaborate. The question of this thread is "Do fish really play". Why are you offended by a response that you don't agree with? Why am I superior because I have a different opinion then you? I'm sure you get my point.

Play is activity leading to enjoyment. Fish don't have the mental capacity for that. Call it what you want, but it is of my opinion that fish don't play, even though they often look like it.
I guess it's hard to convey tone over the internet. I'm sassin' you. Not serious. Think anything you want.

You are acting superior because you think you are better than a fish. And that's what's wrong with the world.
I guess it's hard to convey tone over the internet. I'm sassin' you. Not serious. Think anything you want.

Ah, gotcha. Make use of smileys. A happy smiley face will always let people know you aren't serious.:)

Yes, I suppose I do think I'm better then fish. Maybe not any more important, but certainly better.
Well...seems we've changed the subject here :rolleyes:

Fish are fish....they are 'better' in some being they're a lot quieter and a lot less annoying. They also don't constantly try to change and aim higher, they're easily satisfied and adjustable. Consistent.

But...I couldn't say they're 'better' than me on other levels. I didn't eat my kid when she wiggled deliciously :shifty:

Fish don't sit on the internet for hours at a time researching these things called humans and how to accomodate them.

I'm most certainly better at driving...I tried to let one drive home once and it was a disaster.
:rofl: :rofl: :rofl: :rofl: :lol: :lol: I am getting such a laugh out of this post. You guys are so silly!!! This is a fun little post that has been elevated to a fight. You guys are sort of being childish!! Oh well, still getting a laugh out of it! :lol: :lol: (and of course, no offence, just voicing my opinion)
My fish are really funny! My Dojos are avid 'redecorators'. They have certain ways they like ornaments and plants. Like this poor plant in my tank keeps getting uprooted!! And my Kribs are playing 24/7. Danios and cories(as I have gathered from this post and my own fish) are really playful!! They love playing in the current. My cories are so cute, too! They are great friends. I love them all!
Oh yah fish play. My tiger barbs play a lot. they will follow each other all the time

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