Do fish really " PLAY " ????

Do your fish, or fish in general,....PLAY??

  • YES, my fish play ALL the time!!!

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  • NO, my fish never play but I do believe they can!!!

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  • NO, my fish never play and I seriously doubt that it's possible!

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  • NO, my fish NEVER play and I don't think ANY fish can, that's the stupidest thing I've ever heard...

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Fish Gatherer
May 23, 2003
Reaction score
Washington State
My Silver Dollars play, they sort of chase each other nicely..........I call it dancing in the dark because they only do when the lights are off! :*)

I think my Blood Parrots play too, I'm not sure if it is intentionally aggressive or not, but they are a little mean to each other sometimes! :grr: :lol:

Tell me about your fish............................
Panda corys are some of the most playful fish I have ever owned. I have several species tanks of corys, albinos are always busy but not playing, skunks canalways be found lined up in a row facing the front of the tank, juliis keep busy, but the pandas actually seem to play and have fun, strange really how different types of corys have such different personalities.
My corys play like little kids,and my endlers love 'riding the wave' from the filter. :lol: Most of the day they swim against the flow like mad dashing around each other..I think it's cute. :wub: :)
My fish stay in gaggles, but they don't play. I don't consider fin nipping "playing", and I don't think any fish really "play", ever. Dolphins and other mammals are a different story, but fish are primarily obsessed with food and safety.
My cichlids roll marbles around on the tank bottom, and move them nightly. This may a behavior?, but I think it very playful at the same time.

I also had an algae eater that used to roll marbles into a pyramid. I used to knock them down weekly, and he would roll them back again.

It was quite amusing :p
Fish do what they do out of instinctive behavior, though we may not fully understand why in some cases. If people enjoy considering it as 'playing', then that's ok too.
My little kisser will go down to the bottom of the tank, and ride the bubbles up. Then she will go back down and ride them up again!
My neon will sit there, staring at her. It's really funny.
My platies are wicked!!

They do all sorts, newest thing seems to be to get as close as they can to the filter where its shoots the flow accross the tanks the get in the stream and race!

Also, some of the little ones get up alongside the bigger ones (almost touching) and move everywhere with it...great to watch!
fishdudein said:
Panda corys are some of the most playful fish I have ever owned.... but the pandas actually seem to play and have fun, strange really how different types of corys have such different personalities.
My panda cories (RIP) played a lot, especially Max. Max used to nudge the others by poking his nose at their sides to play. It was so cute!
my betta at work, plays in his bubbles. and my clown loaches are always ruffling around with each other. I wouldn't exactly call this all playing. but they do amuse themselves! :D
my harlequins ride the current out the filter. sometimes they let it flick them upside down and then sthey swim back into again. My corys sit in a plantpot watching them
I'm sure my guppies play. They mess around in the different currents a lot of the time. They swim against and down the filter current, and in the corner of the tank the current swirls about and they are always swimming up and down there.
My juvie frontosas play "hide and seek"...they like to pounce each other from behind rocks too. My midas plays with a ping pong ball.
My guppys seem to be playing chase and hide and seek and as silly as it sounds they do seem to be enjoying it.

Also my cherry barbs get a kick out of riding the bubbles, look closely enough you can see them saying to each other "hey dude that was soooo cool" :hey:

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