Do Fish Grow To Their Invironment?

just this once:

its worth joining, it take less than 2 min, and its not really fair to ask for someones password.
thanks to aquriacentral for the pic.

Thanks mate....Thats a joke picture rite.

When I get time I will take at look at this otha site ...but to be honest since joining this one I haven't needed to look elsewhere.
no i dont think so. they look real to me! now this interests me. it seems without doubt the tank is too small, so how do they survive, and you must admit they look very healthy. My mother in law has a goldie, its kept in a just over a gallon, fish bowl, with no filtration and just a small air stone and a sprinkle of gravel. the fish is now more than 5 years old, is over 7 inches in length, and displays the same sort of rude health the fish in this picture do. she will not let me photograph it, as she knows that in theory the way she keeps the fish is wrong, but it is very hard to push the point, when the fish is in such obvious good health. but if you saw it, you would never believe in the myth again.

lol i know what you mean about theis forum, but it never hurts to take a peek at the other side of the fence. and dispite the high leavle of knowledge here, there is always something to be learnt elsewhere. I feel one of the reasons the information is so good here, is many posters are members of a few forums, all adding to the quality of the information here.

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