Do Drawf Cichlids Prefer Caves Or Swimming Space


New Member
Aug 27, 2009
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Hey I have a tank full of dwarf cichlids and it's aa whole tank full of rocks and caves every where but they don't seem to use the caves anymore they all swim in the smallest amont of free space in the tank so would it be better to just have one end of the tank all caves and one end free swimming space
they do need alot of caves but they might want some swimming space.

this is what my 10g dwarf cichlid tank looks like
Ok cool thanks I was wanting to seperate n change my tank for ages now but I thought they'd like more caves but now there setteled in fully they don't chill in the caves that much so I'll split it up half n half thanks mate
They do sumtimes but not so much any more they don't claim territory like they did when I first got them but I have 3 Bolivian rams 3 African butterflys 3 cribensis 2 simensis catfishs 2 clown loaches 2 bristlenoeses a algy fish and a cordaroy catfish
They do sumtimes but not so much any more they don't claim territory like they did when I first got them but I have 3 Bolivian rams 3 African butterflys 3 cribensis 2 simensis catfishs 2 clown loaches 2 bristlenoeses a algy fish and a cordaroy catfish

Rams dont really need caves.

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