Do Corys Do Well With A Betta?


Mar 13, 2007
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He's a sweet fish,and I think he'd do good with corys,the only problem is...He likes rap music :shifty: there's no problem with his intrest in music. :lol: he doesn't listen to music though if you think about it it would be hilarious!But I was just wondering would corys do well with my gangsta betta?
i have 2 corys in with my betta and they're all doing fine. good for cleanup and they're fun to watch
I got a better in with my sterbai and peppers. It depends on the betta more then the corys. Corys like any tank mates that are peaceful and non aggressive
My betta Erick liked panda corys but they liked his tail to much while he was sleeping, so I switched to two bronze corys, who Erick does NOT like, so now Erick is on his own.
As long as you are putting the betta in with the corys and not the other way around I would think you would be ok. Mine do ok together, so much that the betta actually goes down to the bottom with the corys and munches on shrimp pellets with them! I do find that some bettas are territorial (by nature) and will be a bully to any new fish that comes in the tank so I would watch him carefully for a few days if you are adding the corys to his tank. Good luck!
As long as you are putting the betta in with the corys and not the other way around I would think you would be ok. Mine do ok together, so much that the betta actually goes down to the bottom with the corys and munches on shrimp pellets with them! I do find that some bettas are territorial (by nature) and will be a bully to any new fish that comes in the tank so I would watch him carefully for a few days if you are adding the corys to his tank. Good luck!

Iv never had this problem. Betta was the first addition to my tank.
Thanks guys.I think my betta's just young and hyper.He's scared of his own reflection.He'd probably do well wit cories and vice versa.
If you get them young and keep them in a community tank thats when they are more peaceful. Well thats what happened with my betta anyway.
I've kept and do keep Bettas with cories. I have a males in two tanks with cories and haven't got any aggression. I have kept females as well with no problems.
I have 5 female bettas with about 13 peppered corys, like Erick with the Pandas, they all sleep in the plant pot in a fish pile, bettas and all :) I would add the betta to the tank after the corys, just in case :)

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