Do bettas like "stuff" in their tanks?


Fish Addict
Aug 13, 2004
Reaction score
Erie, Pennsylvania
I bought a 2.5 gallon tank (like this) for my betta. All I've picked up other than that is gravel.

I was planning on adding a couple small java ferns -- but I wanted to know, do bettas like a cave or anything like that as well? -- or just plants?

Also, I have a very small air pump, and an airstone that makes pretty small bubbles -- should I put that in (maybe in a corner behind a plant)? Or will that disturb the surface of the water too much?
Yes they LOVE u for that put a few Java Ferns and maybe a few java moss small plants... :nod:

As for a cave yes ur betta would apprecitae a little privacy...My betta has a little cup which he likes to go ther at night... :wub:

If u want picture refrences Ask me Ill find some good ones......
Well I know that Danio2004's bettas like places to hide.

One male loves his lil cave and the other either hides in the filter (blocked up now) or inbetwene the rocks.
Thanks guys -- I wasn't sure if they like places to hide or if all their petty fins got in the way LOL. Maybe a mini-size terracotta flowerpot, on its side, buried part way in the gravel??

If anyone wants to post some pics that would be great -- I could use the inspiration! :D
I just buy some cheap $1 clay pots and like bury em in the sand and put a lil baby plant beside it
Yeah I think that's what I'll do -- stop by walmart or somewhere and pick up a little clay pot. That will look nice. :)

What about the airstone -- should I use that or no?
I suggest not..But if u wanna keep company with go ahead... :)
This is my male Ryan outside his cave.

well without an airstone in the tank, the water will get stagnent, and will smell really bad. So id say yes to it, the bettas dont like it, but they will have nicer water to live in. from experiance, my betta with the bubbles is happier than the other ones with out because her water is still fresh like.

and my betta has a pot thing from Petsmart, he loves it, goes in one side, then swims out the top. Its very entertaning to watch, and for him as well.
Aww great pics guys!

I bought a small clay pot tonight -- is there anything I should do to it before putting it in the tank? Just a thorough wash with hot water??
also try some vinegar.... i think its supposed to help but dont forget to rinse it out after you use any type of thing to wash it!
lova the vinegar is used to see if its safe... if it sizzles its not if it doesnt should be fine... id say only test it though after youve washed it... myself i would let it sit in hot water for a while

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