Yeah, I think it is just stress after all. I put him in the coffee pot, which holds less than a gallon, but provides a good amount of horizontal swimming space and while I don't have a silk plant, there is a plastic one in there (with nothing pointy shaped to tear his fins). He seems to like hiding under the rim with his head poked just over the edge, and I think he likes looking out at the world because he prefers the open side of the "bowl" (The backside is blocked off by the coffee maker, like a backing which I think may add a sense of security.) He's eating well and breaths, but won't readily flair at his reflection.
This pic was taken earlier but it now holds some gravel and the plastic plant, which I may replace with some real java fern.
This pic was taken earlier but it now holds some gravel and the plastic plant, which I may replace with some real java fern.