Do Bettas In Cups In Stores Have Ammonia Exposure?


Fish Crazy
Jan 19, 2009
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I do not own any Bettas but I have wondered this question. Do Bettas in those little cups in stores have ammonia exposure? There is obviously nothing filtering the cups...
Ugh, YES! I tested the ammonia when I got one of my female bettas. Between 2.5 and 3.0. I didn't know it was possible..... :(
yeah those cups are small...


that sad..
That's about twice as tall and a little bit wider than the cups at my LFS. :(
Yeah, the ones at some of the LFS near me are about 1/3 that size. The ammonia causes lasting damage to the gills and fins, which is why a lot of our rescued bettas are still in pretty bad shape after our best efforts to rehabilitate them. Like my poor Heatstroke...
Smaller than THAT? Omg. Bettas are badly treated in the UK, but at least we don't have then in tiny cups... good job really cos I would flip out every time i saw that!
Have you seen how they are delivered into the stores? In little plastic teabags!
we have two different types of pet shops around us,

1 that will only take 3 siamese fighters at a time, they put them into big tanks and only take 3 because they cannot hold anymore in their other tanks with the other fish they have

and another couple of pet shops that have their fighters in floating breeder traps, of which each fighter will get 30 minutes twice a day supervised to swim around in hte big tank, at which time their breeder trap gets cleaned
our new local P@H have them in one tank divided into six sections like that(1 fish per section), it appears the water slowly feeds into one end and out the other - not sure I would want to be betta number 6 in the line up.
Bettas in unfiltered water, just as any fish in unfiltered water, will be exposed to dangerous levels of ammonia unless water changes are performed several times per day. I doubt somehow that sufficient water changes will happen in most LFS's.

It's quite sad really. They don't seem to keep any other fish in unfiltered containers, and I'm not sure why Bettas are the exception to the rule.

Even small concentrations of ammonia can have a long-term detrimental effect on the health of the fish.

My experience of UK stores have been filtered individual mini tanks. Or a betta (one per tank) with another species of fish, or in breeder traps. Have only seen pictures of bettas in cups and glad haven't seen that sort of thing here.. It is appauling..
My experience of UK stores have been filtered individual mini tanks. Or a betta (one per tank) with another species of fish, or in breeder traps. Have only seen pictures of bettas in cups and glad haven't seen that sort of thing here.. It is appauling..

I have seen them in the uk at a well known aquarium supplier in Wigan near the Pier. It's a pity because everything else in there is spot on.

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