Do Bettas Fins Grow Back?

They could in time, but they won't look as nice as before. If the damage is bad enough it could scar over. How did this happen?
yes they do. the dorsal and ventral fins grow back extremely quickly. the caudal and anal on the otherhand could take over a month to grow back.
well keep him away from the abusers and give him some melafix. they should grow back
i put it on my brothers fish tank and the next day it was like that :unsure: oh btw how long u think it would take 4 it to grow bak the way it was b4?
just curious......when you put him in your brother's tank, what kind of fish were/are in there?

other male bettas or what?

good luck on restoring the fins of your little buddy! but in time, yes, they will grow back. just make sure he doesn't have to be put through that again.
seeing as you caught it so soon then yes it will heal and hopefully nicely. One of my boys I rescued from a tank full of black widows. His fins were so tatty and his dorsal fin has a kink in it. His other fins are healing nicely but I think the kink may never go. Never mind, I'm just happy I've got him :)
yes, keep him clean and well fed. hees an example of my vt who got his tail ripped and healed well. before and after


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