Do All Corys Require Same Needs?

Tropical Tetra

New Member
May 15, 2007
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Chicago, IL
Do all corydoras require the same the same needs ? Meaning does every species of corys require same matienece or do they all have their own little levels of maitenence?
There is a safety zone in which most Corys will do well. I really cannot speak for ALL Corys. But all Corys not of some rarely obtained species will do well within 74 to 76 degrees, shallow sand substrate kept clean, hiding places and places to get out of the direct light, and a good sinking wafer like Hikari Sinking Wafers will do alright. In addition they like some water currents and good aeration. There are some that are more delicate and easily stressed, therefore more vulnerable to poor conditions. When beginning to breed some species, the requirements become more specific.

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Oh yes! and not threatening tank mates. That means no sharks or Cichlids--other than appistogramma
All cories do fine in pretty much the same conditions.

However i think im right in saying that sterbais prefer slightly warmer temperatures than the average cory temp. And peppered corydoras do well in cooler temperatures (i think this slightly applies to c.aenus too)
Yes, these temperature adjustments are the refinements that I was refering to. The conditions a fish was bred and and raised in can also be an element. I was giving conditions that will do for any cory. Peppers are reputed to like lower temps, but I have peppers in a community tank which means they are in the mid 70's. They are a happy little tribe and breed regularly. My pandas are in low/mid 70s. They did not like the lower temps. My LF aeneus are in the upper mid 70's with sterbai and Brochis splenden. They are happy campers and breed regularly. My regular bronze are in mid 70's and breed happily and give me fry with no intervention. I have lost Corys by trying to put them in the ideal conditions and they returned to normal health when I returned them to the conditions they had become used to. So when some one asks what conditions for Cories in general I say mid 70's.

PH is soft . They will do well into the mid 70's but high ph will be tough on them and some will fail to thrive. It is ok to feed veggies, but not necessary. If they like them ok but they don't need them. A good sinking wafer, like Hikari, will supply their nutition needs. A treat is live and frozen blood worms and black worms. They are insectavores. They will get all the green they need from the wafers and by grazing on algae.
They key to remember is that eeach type of COry is a different species. They're not just the same fish in different colours and patterns.

Once you get that it's a breeze. They have slightly differnet temperaments, and as far as care goes, as already mentioned, their needs differ slightly. Generally this just means that making sure you find a temperature that is suitable for all the species you keep. I have Sterbai and Paleatus in the same tank. One likes higher temperatures, one likes lower, but there is a suitable overlap. As with most fish they are generally adaptable with ph and water hardness as long as you avoid extremes (though mine are fine in very hard water).

Mine get peas occasionally. Like jollysue said, a sinking food and bloodworm will see them fine.

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