do all aquarium backdrops look tacky?

I have a backing on the 5 gal, but its the pure black (no plant photo). I think it looks really great! Especially since it reflects the image of the plants/furnishings in front of it.
I have a backdrop that has similar plants to what's in the tank (or will be when finished planting them) and bogwood identical to the pieces in the tank (see my sig). I think it looks fine but as others say it all depends on the setup.

One thing i have found is that aluminium foil makes a good backdrop for small tanks and has the benefit of giving the impression of twice as many fish in there (and plants). Ideal for the impatient people out there (like me when i first got a tank) who want a 'full' tank asap. Lots of small fish turn into a few large fish in a few years without the hassle of getting rid of half your stock, just remove the foil and put a 'normal' backdrop on ;)

Funny this topci should come up....I got some aquarium backing for my 75gall tank today....I got....MATERIAL!!

Sounds weird I know but the choices were is cheap and can be easily changed.....

What I ended up with was a medium/royal blue colour with silver stars....I think it looks prety cool....I attached it to the tank with pegs (above the water level)...

I shall be taking pics VERY soon

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