Fish Aficionado
I am getting very ahead of myself here - but what's new!
I currently have 1 male betta, 3 sterbai cory and 6 hengeli rasbora who I am quite attached to - I've got my eye on a 130l tank (
I currently have 1 male betta, 3 sterbai cory and 6 hengeli rasbora who I am quite attached to - I've got my eye on a 130l tank (
62cm x width 39cm x height 72cm) which I would like to put these fish in (at some point in the not so near future). I will obviously add more fish (more corys!) but they will all need to be little fellas from what I understand. Will this look silly? Is there some larger sized fish that could go in? How would you stock this tank?
I do like the smaller varieties of fish, quite a lot really but I think they may look lost and not have much impact...
Also I'm worried about my betta in such a large tank.
[font="Arial]Or should I just get something like 90L instead? [/font]
Looking forward to your responses!