Diy Python Syphon


May 15, 2009
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Bradford, West Yorkshire
Afternoon guys, I've seen people talk about the Python for a while now and I was really thinking of getting one untill I saw the price which to me was alot considering its a length of hose with a shut off valve at one end and a water bed drain and fill kit at the other so I've decided to make my own.

Below is a parts list of what you will need plus links on where to find them. For me the only part I needed was the water bed fill and drain kit as like most I have a spare length of hose and the shut off valve in the garage.


Water bed drain and fill kit:

Shut off valve ( can also get from local DIY/ plumbers merchants):

15mm hose pipe:
We all know what garden hose looks like :-D

I've orderd the waterbed kit today so I'll up date once that gets here but what really matters is I will be making a python for £10 max which I think is a real Bargin
Craig89 said:
Yeah it's very well done but not what I was really after as it's only really for water changes
Huh ? ...... That system was made for simple water changes mate.......not even having to open your aquarium lid if you got one......
I attached a hose to a gravel cleaner, put it out the window and water the garden. Great job as it acts as a fert for flowers. Hose it back into the tank then.
No mess, no fuss, no moody girlfriend.

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