DIY Melafix


Fish Fanatic
Mar 28, 2003
Reaction score
Pittsburg, Pennsylvania
I found a site that had DIY Melafix. I purchased the Tea Tree Oil from a local Health Food Store. Its 100% Melaleuca Alternifolia at a cost of $13.00 per 30 ml.

The recipe calls for 1ml of Tea Tree Oil to 120 Ml of Distilled Water. Since this recipe does not have emulsifiers in it to attach the water and oil together, you must shake it very well when adding to aquarium water. When adding to the aquarium, you use the same directions for days use that you would the store bought brand only with your mix the amount/dosage would be different. The dosage would be:

Melafix comes in 1% and 5% solutions, copying the former I made my own 1% solution of treatment by adding 1ml of Tea Tree Oil to 120ml of water, taking into account the oil is denser than water. The commercial preparation of Melafix woul contain some sort of emulsifier to prevent the oil and the water from seperating, I overcame this by shaking buggery out of the bottle before using. To simulate the real McCoy as a wound treatment, this stock solution can then be added to the aquarium at a rate of 5ml to 40L daily for 7 days followed by a 25% water change. Treatment can be repeated if neccesary.
For new additions and after handling fish 5ml to 40L daily for 4 days.

***I will add that I have only tried this at half strength, i.e. 5ml to 80L. Although I can't imagine it being detrimental, take it easy***

If this helps anyone save money on this hobby, I think it would be great!!!
I've read this post somewhere not long ago....... -_-

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