DIY Betta barracks

For those of you that keep asking about updates, I don't know but this might help (unless you've seen it already):

It's a PDF of how to build a betta barracks system --
(was published in the IBC's Flare magazine)

I haven't gotten a chance to read through it -- looks really complex, but probably lots of good info I'm sure!
that article is really confusing

basically, they use beanie boxes as containers. they cut a slit n the back for overflow. The overflow just falls into a drain that returns it to the sump.

then then have a pump in there to pump the water back up the pipes.

there is a drip emitter above every beanie box so a drop falls off every time.

the sump contains filter and heater.
they also have a uv sterilizer but i don,t know why as i have never heard of people using them for freshwater before... i'm sure it isn't bad but i don't think it would be worth the investment...

I will most likely build one of these someday.
I have it all figures out in my head.

I would probably go for a more basic sump (a 2- or 30 gallon tank with overflow dividers) as all i want to do is run water through floss and bio-balls for filtration. Put a heater and a pump to return the water back with a drip system.

I like the idea of the beanie boxes sitting on the drain. That way they are easy to remove for maintenance or in case they get damaged.

I could have my betta wall :)
yvez9 said:
they also have a uv sterilizer but i don,t know why as i have never heard of people using them for freshwater before... i'm sure it isn't bad but i don't think it would be worth the investment...
The UV sterilizer is a KEY componenent. When you have all these fish sharing the same water, if a single one comes down with a disease, they ALL will. The UV sterilizer is there to help eliminate the spread of disease. I dont think people should ever consider using any type of central filtration without using a uv sterilizer.
JeremyD said:
yvez9 said:
they also have a uv sterilizer but i don,t know why as i have never heard of people using them for freshwater before... i'm sure it isn't bad but i don't think it would be worth the investment...
The UV sterilizer is a KEY componenent. When you have all these fish sharing the same water, if a single one comes down with a disease, they ALL will. The UV sterilizer is there to help eliminate the spread of disease. I dont think people should ever consider using any type of central filtration without using a uv sterilizer.
i wasn't aware of that at all
thanks for the info, i'll hook one up when i build my system! :D

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