DIY Aquarium Hood


Sleepy Chook
Dec 13, 2003
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Sleeping Somewhere. Or doing water changes. Or run
My 75gal tank is apparently a non-standard size tank and I am having a hard time finding a hood for it. It is 48 inches long and 18 inches wide...apparently the standard size is 14 inches....

I didn't want to build one but i may have to resort to my problem is finding a DIY site on how to do it....

I want a good with an open back that has a sloped lid....i.e. not boxy....made of timber (pine or whatever) and can be made by a person with little carpentry skills. I do however have access to most carpentry tools which I am sure I can put to good use :fun:

Any help would be most appreciated!!!
Im sure if they made a tank they also made a lid for it :), ask around at local aquatic shops, "World Of Water" if you have one by, maybe able to order one in for you, also other shops may well do as well.

I had a problem similar with my 6g tank, it had really odd sizes, and the only common lid was the one which came with it (the 1 i already had) but that wasnt suitable for a light or anything, but i asked "World Of Water" If they can get me a quote on a tank lid with the light unit etc, and they found me one :D even though they dont supply it in the shop, they would have orderd it in for me.
Chooklet, I don't know what you mean by sloped lid. If you plan on building your own canopy, you're going to need medium carpentry skills, otherwise, quality will be affected. You can do a search on for DIY canopy, or my website on how I did my 55 gallon canopy...

DIY website

It's under the 55 gallon planted tank project :nod:
Thanks peeps....especially Konrad....I didn't use your site for the hood but I sure like the planted tank thing.....MAJOR jealousy....

I bit the bullet and ordered a tank hood which I will stain myself....they offered to stain it for me for...$100!! AS IF!!!!!


All the LFSs here tried to tell me that my size tank had to have been csutom made as it isn't a standard size...yeah, I know it is but her, thats LFSs for ya
:lol: Thanks chooklet. How much did you pay for it?

If you lived closer, I'd would have built you one for the cost of the materials :nod:

...maybe for some fish too :D
The hood cost me $135....I am waiting for it to be delivered....damn sick delivery driver...

The stain will cost $20...yet they wanted to charge me $ I said....AS IF!!!!

Thanks for the offer to build it....I would gladly offer you some fish....provided you gave me daily advice on how to keep my tank beautiful like yours. What kind of lighting do you have? How many watts per gallon?

I am umming and aahing over doing a planted tank ATM.....
LOL thanks again

If I could make a recommendation about the staining, unless you already had it planned. Depending on what kind of wood it is, but most likely it will be pine, I would first condition the wood with one coat. Then apply a water-based stain with a cheese cloth or rag, once or twice depending on how dark you want it. THEN, apply a varnish sealant to protect against wood, satin varnish, if you don't want reflection. You can buy a stained varnish but it doesnt come out as nice, you'll be able to tell that it has been painted. With the method described, it'll look more like the woods original color. Hope that helped/made sense.


edit: 3.1 watts per gallon. It's a 55 gallon with 160 watts, but once you take into consideration the gravel, it's really only 51 or so.

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