Mine was fine with my swordtails... It took a bit of a dislike to my guppies though...lol Yours should be fine in that tank 
Is it possible to have two betta's in one tank? Or will they just fight until one dies?bunjiweb said:2 of the bettas are doing fine, they're the younger of the 4. The older 2 arent as active as they used to be, But they are both fully grown and were both fully grown when I bought them so they could be quite old.
If anyone is seriously interested just MSN me.
bunjiweb said:If anyone is seriously interested just MSN me.
Thanks alot, i will buy 1 when i buy my plec thenbunjiweb said:The simple answer is no.
Males will fight, and a female will get extremely harrassed if with just a male betta. You can keep males and females but only if the females out number the male 5 - 1.
It is best to just keep them on their own, or in a peacful community tanks with things such as platies, corys or tetra.