Diva Is Finally Here!


"No one is a failure unless you try"
Mar 18, 2004
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After multiple delays because the volunteer doing the home visit was just too tired after work to come :)|), Diva FINALLY arrived today!! I've been waiting two weeks or more! She has become such a loving and beautiful cat once she finally got the individual attention she deserves, I couldn't be happier to have her :D. See what people miss by not taking the time to get to know the skittish cats? I picked her up and she just completely relaxed in my arms for a good cuddle :wub:

Happy kitty, hiding in my 80 gallon tank stand about 20 minutes after arrival

A little wary of the dog

Coming out of her shell... "Oooo, I smell birds"

"Momma, is she allowed to do that?"


Obviously Gypsy likes her, hehe ;). She went nuts, running around and presenting the play posture, and eventually drove poor Diva back into hiding under the couch with her playful enthusiasm. I can't wait to see what they are like together once Diva settles in :nod:
Very Nice :good:

That cat has a unique coloration. Hard to believe someone gave it up. Congratulations on the new cat :)
Nobody gave her up actually, she was born in a feral colony, trapped as a kitten, and socialized :nod:
I gotta say, I like the papi a bit more, what with those pointy ears and wagging tail and all :p

Cute cat, too, of course. Hope she feels more at home soon. ^_^
Cute Kitty.I love her name. :D
I didn't know you had a bird?
Yeah! You finally got her! I was wondering when this would happen.

I'm glad your dog likes her, my dog would try to rip the poor kitty to shreds. :crazy:
Diva is a beautiful cat. :thumbs: She reminds me of my cat "Girlfriend" I had years ago. It is great taking cats (any animals for that matter) that no one seems to want. Just want to share this...Two of the three kitties I have were "not wanted" cats. "Cartman was the worst of the "not wanted". Found him in a pet store cramped in a crate with a bunch of kittens. He was almost five months old and no one wanted him because he was and still can be quite skittish. He's great one on one. Loves his belly scratched, in fact will howl to get ya to do it. So I call him Coyote Cartman. Billie the black one was exactly why no one wanted him, (black) and his favorites were to attack everyone, biting and clawing feet. Billlie doesn't attack any more and is quite the owner of the house. In fact, Billie goes on a leash and loves people when walk by and he can get all the attention. Kudos to ya for taking her. Diva will turn out well, because she know's she is loved. :nod:
I think Synirr has a lovebird or a conure of some sort? (Correct me if I am wrong.)
A pair of Pacific parrotlets, actually :D
Petri and Joule (Joule was molting in this pic, excuse her scruffyness ;))
EDIT: Petri is the mean looking one with blue on him, lol
When I went to sleep last night she was purring under my bed :wub:
She eventually came up for a cuddle, but spent the rest of the night exploring (or so I assume, from the various noises I heard during the night)

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