Disturbing Over Heard Conversation At Lfs.


Sometimes Right, Sometimes Wrong but ALWAYS certai
Dec 1, 2006
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Hi, does this annoy you?

Today I was in my LFS awaiting my turn to enquire about some aquatic plants. I was behind this lovely old couple who were asking all sorts of questions about algae in their tank. The lad dealing with them was showing them scrapers and some sort algae-busting liquid. The enquiries went on to gravel vacuums and how to use them. A suggestion of catfish was made to which the couple said they had some and wanted some food for them. They were shown catfood pellets but they said their catfish looked different to that on the tub and pointed to the algae flakes and the picture of a plec!
Clearly, by the questions they were asking, they were complete novices and although starting fish keeping at their age is great to see and really sweet, one has to ask, who the hell sold them a PLEC. :crazy:
Its called an arm, hand, fingers and good old elbow grease ;)
Ive been sold three plecs and im a total novice! :unsure: Ive never thought anything of it? What else is gonna clean the tank?!?
Oh, I forgot to mention about their 10 gallon tank :rolleyes:
Ive been sold three plecs and im a total novice! :unsure: Ive never thought anything of it? What else is gonna clean the tank?!?

well for starters there loads of different plecs so its worth finding out what type you have.

also the size of your tank is important cos they vary in size alot.

as for the original post.

do you kno how big there tank was?
One would like to give the benefit of doubt and hope that they were novices with a 90 gallon tank. In which case, there would be nothing inappropriate about a plec, being pretty hardy fish. But yes I know- how likely is that?
Ive been sold three plecs and im a total novice! :unsure: Ive never thought anything of it? What else is gonna clean the tank?!?

well for starters there loads of different plecs so its worth finding out what type you have.

also the size of your tank is important cos they vary in size alot.

as for the original post.

do you kno how big there tank was?
I sort of got the impression it was a 10 gallon'er and the plec was one of those with the white spots on that I was told grew to monsterous proportions (plec means big to me!)
I sort of got the impression it was a 10 gallon'er and the plec was one of those with the white spots on that I was told grew to monsterous proportions (plec means big to me!)
So you have absolutely no idea if the tank they had could house the fish or not.

A number of plecs with white spots on stay as small as 2-4". That is before looking into the possibility the couple had a fairly sizeable tank that could house the plec for a very long time, if not indefinitely.

Is it me or are more and more people jumping to the conclusion that everyone else who keeps fish in the real world can't look after them and the members of this forum know far more than any of them? Few people seem to get the actual facts before launching into a pious tirade against the foolish other keepers.
Agree with above,
Was it not doresy who recently posted saying he had only recently learnt to test his water and prior to this hadnt bothered? :unsure:
Was it not doresy who recently posted saying he had only recently learnt to test his water and prior to this hadnt bothered
Don't name members it not nice.
When I first started fishkeeping one lfs said you didn't need to test the water.
That's why forums are so good you learn alot.
Ive been sold three plecs and im a total novice! :unsure: Ive never thought anything of it? What else is gonna clean the tank?!?

A water change. All plecos do is scavenge the bottom of the tank and eat some algae off the sides. They do add their own poop to the tank which increases the need for more frequent water changes. They also need their own food specifically formulated for bottom feeders. Overall, if you have an algae problem and you buy a pleco to eat the algae you are only fixing the outcome (*maybe*, because not all plecos eat all types of algae and some eat it as a juvie and stop when they grow larger) but you aren't fixing the cause. If you have algae you either have too much light, not enough water changes, etc...so without knowing the cause and getting a pleco you could actually be backing the problem worse instead of better. Just saying.
Ive been sold three plecs and im a total novice! :unsure: Ive never thought anything of it? What else is gonna clean the tank?!?
Oh, I forgot to mention about their 10 gallon tank :rolleyes:

Looks like it was clearly stated they had a 10 gal.

Until the OP came back with this gem:

I sort of got the impression it was a 10 gallon'er and the plec was one of those with the white spots on that I was told grew to monsterous proportions (plec means big to me!)

At no point hs the OP established the tank size, yet feels qualified to comment on their stocking.
There are lots of people (me included in the very early dark days of fishkeeping :blush: ) who have come home from lfs with unsuitable fish sold by bad salesmen, unfortunately only experience,research and a good lfs will stop this from happening, we all have to start somewhere hopefully they will research their fish and taka appropiate action. There are always people who do not listen to advice and learn the hard way
I like your avatar doresy,i hope you let the kitten off with a caution :lol:

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