Distressed Betta


Fish Fanatic
Jul 21, 2004
Reaction score
Central Virginia, USA
This morning, when I checked on my betta, he was resting on the bottom, and his breathing was rather shallow (gills moving very slowly). When I arrived home tonight, same thing.

He's been fine, but on Sunday afternoon he would take several food pellets in his mouth at one time, chew on them for a while and the spit them back out. In the evening I tried a few bloodworms and while he seemed interested, he didn't eat much.

I checked parameters -- ammonia is 0, nitrite is 0 and nitrate is 5, pH is running around 7. He is in a 2.5 gallon tank with an air stone to move the water and a small heater. I did a 60% water change tonight using a tonic of Bettafix.

Any other thoughts? I see no sign of fin rot or fungus, and until Sunday was eating normally.


Put him in a dark place wherein he can't see anything.

If you have IAL just add some and after 3 days try to Flare him.

how long has he been in that tank?
has there been any decor changes?
has the tank been moved?

i've had my betta bruce do something similar to me twice now, both after tank moves.
last time he got severely clamped fins until i moved him back to his original tank, and now he's fine again!

bettas can get depressed if they have any new changes in and around them.
I moved one of my bettas to a different part of the room over xmas and he sulked for England now he is back he has built me a lovely bubble nest.
what's the temperature?

It's been rather cool as of late; ranging from 68 - 70

Put him in a dark place wherein he can't see anything.

If you have IAL just add some and after 3 days try to Flare him.


I've stopped turning his light on in the morning so he can rest, and he hasn't flared in about a month.

how long has he been in that tank?
has there been any decor changes?
has the tank been moved?

i've had my betta bruce do something similar to me twice now, both after tank moves.
last time he got severely clamped fins until i moved him back to his original tank, and now he's fine again!

bettas can get depressed if they have any new changes in and around them.

He's been in the tank a couple of months, and I did a 100% water change a day or so before he stopped eating. No decor changes or anything that should stress him.

He's breathing was more shallow this AM. So I'm not sure. I'm quite perplexed when my guys are going along just fine and then poof, a problem results. He was a Wal-Mart save, and I thought I brought him back from the brink in early November, but possibly not.

Thanks for all thoughts.



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