Distochodus? Info ?


stuck between a rock and a fish tank
Fish of the Month 🌟
May 4, 2004
Reaction score
My LFS has a few of these in at the moment. they are only small and I'm aware they grow large

I know nothing of their temperament or ease of keeping in home aquarium.

are the compatible with a flagtail prochilodus?

lovely fish they are
has no one kept one of these?
distichodus what??? there are different types. i have a distichodus affinis
I didn't know there was more than one, but its orange and has about 6 black bars on it
i think thats a distichodus sexfasciatus, ive seen one in my lfs - much bigger than my type. just google it for some info.
i think thats a distichodus sexfasciatus, ive seen one in my lfs - much bigger than my type. just google it for some info.

I've googled already but find people on heres experience more helpful

My only concern is my flagtail. He's an easy peaceful fish in my tank but I believe they get nasty with other flagtails and I wondered whether that extended to Distichodus?
Well I got him yesterday
He's had t go in my sons tank for now as he's too small for my others being only 2-3 inches long

Lovely fish, bags of character and he eats straight away which is always a giood thing.

amusingly when I put frozen brine shrimp in he picked and spat out them about 150 times. most fish try once or twice before forgetting about it. he looked like he was throwing them with his mouth!! very amusing

anyway great looking fish and I'm looking forward to him growing quickly so he can go in bigger tank!!

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