Disease or normal?


New Member
Nov 8, 2020
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Here is my albino socolofi. He has what appears to be bruising around his gills, but I thought this was just normal albino/translucent coloring. He has looked this way for quite a while, but he has always flashed/scratched about once every 20 minutes or so. Some days it is worse than others. Today, I noticed this bump on his side. Would all these things be symptoms of the same disease? Should I be concerned? He eats very well, and acts normal aside from the flashing. No other fish in the tank act or look sick in any way, water is perfect except for high phosphate, which I’m working on.

Can’t wait to hear your thoughts.


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When he is “flashing”, does it like he is trying to rub his body against something? (Like he has an itch)
What are your water readings. Particularly ammonia. How long have you had the fish? That’s not normal even for an albino.
Yes, he is rubbing against rocks. Using api test kit, ammonia is 0, nitrite is 0, nitrate is around 40, ph is 7.4, kh is 1, gh is 11, phosphate is high at 5, but it is froma previous use of ph stabilizer.

the fish is about 7 months old. I did have a pretty high ammonia spike in the original tank where I had him about 5 months ago, but water in the current tank has had similar measurements to those above since then.

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