Disease Journal Sub Forum?

As a newbie I think this is a great idea. I always search before I post as a rule and always find alot of threads with little or no relevant information, so having information on diseases more readily available is defiantly worth it in my mind. I can see the day when I eventually get my fish and one gets ill, I'd hate to wait around for an answer, having posts of people previous experiences would be a great help. Well that's my two pence worth :)

Hi....for some reason I have the reputation of being a suggestion enforcer/bringer....lol. That's cool I always like to read what members are up to in their thoughts. I try to be very picky on what I sail into here because I DON'T want to be a 'pork' mod.

Anyway, if I understand this, and, forgive me if I don't, are you suggesting a subforum consisting of threads of the following?:


Differential Diagnosis
Treatment Modalities
Journal of Experience

Sounds good to me.
Would be nice to see what med worked on a illness, as alot of meds state they treat more then they actually do, alot of fibbing sometimes from manufactures.
Hi....for some reason I have the reputation of being a suggestion enforcer/bringer....lol. That's cool I always like to read what members are up to in their thoughts. I try to be very picky on what I sail into here because I DON'T want to be a 'pork' mod.

Anyway, if I understand this, and, forgive me if I don't, are you suggesting a subforum consisting of threads of the following?:


Differential Diagnosis
Treatment Modalities
Journal of Experience

Anyone got a dictionary? :lol:

lol, yeah :crazy: i think we would need descriptions underneath those sub-forums.
lol, yeah i need a dictionary too!!! give me half an hr to have my morning cuppa then work out what all those are and I'll get back to you about if that's what I intended!! :unsure: :rolleyes:

if i get time later i'll write one up for HITH, I sometimes think it's easier to make a descision based on an example rather than just a description of the idea.

Hi....for some reason I have the reputation of being a suggestion enforcer/bringer....lol. That's cool I always like to read what members are up to in their thoughts. I try to be very picky on what I sail into here because I DON'T want to be a 'pork' mod.

what's a pork mod?

i'm sure other mods do take the time to read through this section and discussions on improvements happen on the mod board, but I think your the mod who posts the most in this section, so i think that's where your rep is coming from.

good thing to have a reputation for though!
ok, just to make sure i've understood this correctly, in laymen's terms is this what you mean:-

Disease - scientific name and common name(s)

Description - scientific description of the parasite/disease

Etiology - the cause of the problem e.g. poor water conditions, stress, poor nutrition

Appearance - physical symptoms, what you can expect to see, accompanied by picture(s) if possible

Differential Diagnosis - taken from wiki -
In medicine, differential diagnosis (sometimes abbreviated DDx or ΔΔ) is the systematic method physicians use to identify the disease causing a patient's symptoms. Before a medical condition can be treated, it must be identified. The physician begins by observing the patient's symptoms, examining the patient, and taking the patient's personal and family history. Then the physician lists the most likely causes. The physician asks questions and performs tests to eliminate possibilities until he or she is satisfied that the single most likely cause has been identified.
- so how you've come to that diagnosis, what other options have been considered and eliminated, that sort of thing

Treatment Modalities - what medicines, techniques and actions taken to treat the problem

Journal of Experience - day to day account of treatment, action taken, results seen

well if i've understood you correctly then yes that's the sort of thing I meant, we'd have the subforum and there could be a template based on the above which you have to fill out, then when you post it would go for a mod to check it before being put up. But once it's posted it would be closed so it doesn't turn into a discussion. That way it wouldn't take a massive amount of moderation, I can't imagine there being hundreds of posts a day in there, more than likely only a couple a week if that so it shouldn't take too much time up.
OK so here's an idea of what I wanted to do


Hole in The Head - Hexamita

Description - Hexamita is a flagellated protozoan found in the gastrointestinal tracts of a variety of cold and warm water fish, it particularly seems to affect cichlids. If untreated it can lead to death of the fish.

Etiology - The exact causes of HITH are still being debated, however it is thought that the main triggers are poor water quality, poor nutrition, overcrowding and stress.

Appearance - The name of the disease say's it all, the main symptom is sore's/lesions around the head, these often start behind/above the eyes. As the disease progress's these will spread and new ones will appear, this can be accompanied by a loss of colour, general lethargy of the fish and a loss of appetite

Differential Diagnosis - At the time that my Oscar had this disease both myself and my partner were ill with chest infections and we're also in the process of renovating our bathroom, as such we hadn't been able to keep up with the maintenance that this tank required. I knew this so I had been watching for signs of disease and illness, knowing that Oscars (amongst other cichlids) are prone to HITH I had a vague idea of the symptoms from previous research about the species. I initially noticed slight white marks behind his eyes one day and decided to monitor the situation for a day or two more before deciding on treatment as the fish had a habit of fighting with the decor and ending up with scratches and scrapes, I wanted to give it a day or so to see if they got worse or started to heal by themselves. By the third day they were no better so I got my fish health book (Interpets Manual of Fish Health) and checked up the symptoms of various diseases, the section on HITH had a picture of a discus exhibiting similar lesions in exactly the same place. I had previously spoken to my local vet regarding fish diseases and they had advised me that should I ever need prescription medications I should bring a picture of the fish showing the symptoms to the surgery and they would discuss treatment with me. So I took a picture and took my fish health book to the vets and spent some time discussing the symptoms and conditions to ensure my diagnosis was correct and we decided on a course of treatment.

Treatment Modalities - The medication recommended by my fish health book and by the vet was metronidazole, I had read that it was best to give this in medicated food, when I discussed this with the vet he said it would be very expensive and time consuming to get a medicated food made up for me (I did not realise at this time that if I got the medicine in a powder form and make up the food myself) however he could get me it in liquid form the next day and I could give Oscar baths in it for 2 hrs per day. From my reading on the internet and discussions with experienced cichlid keepers and breeders I found out that clean water was absolutely paramount and good nutrition in the form of vitamin enriched food (a standard human grade multi vitamin from the chemist dissolved in water, then soak the cichlid pellets in the water) would also help.

Journal of experience -

I'll start from Day 3 as this was when my diagnosis was confirmed and I startde to take appropriate action, day's 1&2 are covered in the diagnosis section.

Day 3 - Confirmed diagnosis with the vet and ordered the medication, carried out a 50% water change on the tank, no change in symptoms, tested the water and stats were ammonia - 0, nitrite - 0, nitrate 5ppm (after water change). I knew I had to keep up water changes but I was also unwell and very busy trying to sort out the bathroom, at this point we had no useable bath/shower so had to commute to the in-laws every night to get a wash so I didn't think I'd eb able to fit in daily water changes. So I decided to set off a cut off point for nitrates, 20ppm and do a large water change when they got above that, small daily water changes would be carreid out as I removed water from the tank to give oscar his medicated baths and replaced that with clean water, probably not even a 10% change but a little bit is better than nothing!

Day 4 - Got meds from the vet and picked up some multi vitamin. Decided to feed Oscar before his bath because even though the medication is good for him it doesn't mean it would be nice and he might sulk and not eat afterwards. I planned to do his bath's in a big garden tidy tub, 6 gallons of water would cover him and give an inch or so extra depth and he had room to swim around a bit, also it's easy to put a small heater and filter into the tub to keep teh water at a stable temp and aerated while he's being treated. Now I've not had to catch Oscar since he was a little baby, now he's a 10" brute so I wasn't looking forward to it! Drained 6 gallons of water from the tank directly into the tub, moved a small filter (that runs in his tank so is mature) and heater into the tub and added the medication, 7mg/100litre. Then set about trying to catch Oscar, sorry to say i must have stressed him out a bit with my inexpert netting of such a big fish, however I learnt my lessons for the next time. Eventually got him into the tub, dried myself off, covered the tub with a towel to keep it dark so he stayed calm and left him for 2 hrs. While he was in the bath I did a 30% water change on the tank and a very thorough gravel vac. When the two hours was up I went to put him back in the tank, removed the towel and realised he was lying on the bottom of the tub not lookign happy, the filter had slipped so was giving no surface agitation so I assume the combination of meds and low oxygen for 2 hrs was not good for him. Switched on the airstone in the main tank and put him back in. He fell head first into the plants and stayed there for 30 seconds or so. I'll admit my heart was in my mouth I didn't think he would recover for a minute but he soon swam off and within 5 minutes seemed to be back to his usual self. I noticed the lesions which had previously been white looked slightly red after the bath, this soon faded to white so I assumed this is a sign of the medication working.

Day 5 - Basically the same as day 4 but slightly better planned, I caught oscar much easier and kept checking the filter in his bath to make sure it was givign him oxygen, while he wasn't happy when he went back in the tank he was definately better than Day 4. However the lesions seemed to be getting worse and a new one had opened up on his cheek

Day 6 - As before, I gave him another bath and big water change, however this bath used up the last of his medications, I'd contacted the vet but they couldn't get me anymore for 3 days (it was over a weekend). This worried me slightly however after his bath when I inspected his lesions one of them was showing definate signs of improvement, the other one by his eye was getting worse as was the new one on his cheek. After some discussion with my fishy friends I think that this is a sign the medication had started working but had not been fully sucsessful. I decided until i could get the medication I would keep up the vitamin food and water changes and hope that a few days of rest not being netted and bathed would help him to heal.

Day 7 - Noticed definate signs of improvement but only in one lesion, carried out a 50% water change and thorough gravel vac, oscar looked quite lively and active which encouraged me

Days 8 & 9 were the weekend when we were really trying to get the bathroom sorted, I was only able to do 1 water change however oscar continued to show some signs of improvement, it was only gradual but he certainly wasn't getting any worse

Day 10 I couldn't do any water changes however I noticed the new lesion that had opened up looked significantly better than previously and the one behind his eye was nearly gone. I knew I was getting more medication the next day but was unsure if I should re-start his bath's or not. He seemed to be on the mend so I didn't want to stress him out by netting him but on the other hand didn't want his condition to worsen without more meds. So I just decided I'd wait until the next day and make a judgement call depending on how he looked then.

Day 11 was very hectic, I got caught up in work and had to stay late so couldn't get to the vets before they closed so couldn't get the meds, didn't get home and to sit down to have my dinner until 11.30pm (up for work at 5.30am :crazy: ) so couldn't do a water change either. However Oscars improvement continued so I wasn't too worried.

Day 12 - Picked up the meds from the vets but decided not to continue treatment as the lesion on his cheek was no more than a scratch, one by his eye had gone and the other was still there but looking improved. Decided to give him a couple of days and monitor his improvement and to start the bath's if nescessary at the first sign of deterioration. Did another 50% water change.

Days 13 & 14 - Did 30% water changes both days, his improvement continued, one lesion was still lingering a little but was still very much improved, decided not to use the next course of meds.

Day 15 onwards - by this time our bathroom was useable again and we were both feeling better, I continued 30% water changes most days and within another couple of days the lesions were completely gone.
OK...admin is out until 5/26 (exams)....and, wuv is the moderator for ER. I put this link in our mod discussion section and see what comes up. SH
I actually like this idea a lot. The ER section has been in need of a simple, easy to navigate format, because let's face it...not a lot of people realise that they can use the search function. Not to mention those who don't even know what it is, exactly, that they're searching for. Nor do they notice the FAQ section.
William should be back soon enough, we'll see if he can make this happen.
2 new sections?? what other one do you mean :unsure:

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