A smile costs nothing :)
My family owned a cat when we I was young and he was adorable. We'd had him from a kitten for about 6 years and he was always out and about as we lived in a small, quiet village. Sadly, someone decided to poison him and we never found out who it was and why they'd done it.
Where I used to live, I owned 6 cats who were out and about all the time. We lost 2 of them within 6 months of each other after they were knocked down by cars.
Our cat Willow, is about 8 years old and is very much an indoor cat. The road we live on isn't necessarily busy but there are the occassional boy racers who like to drive like maniacs. Our next door neighbour also owns several cats who are always fighting with other neighbourhood moggies.
Because of these reasons, we decided to keep Willow as an indoor cat.
She will venture into the back garden now and again but never wanders far, she will also come in the house when I do.
My family owned a cat when we I was young and he was adorable. We'd had him from a kitten for about 6 years and he was always out and about as we lived in a small, quiet village. Sadly, someone decided to poison him and we never found out who it was and why they'd done it.
Where I used to live, I owned 6 cats who were out and about all the time. We lost 2 of them within 6 months of each other after they were knocked down by cars.
Our cat Willow, is about 8 years old and is very much an indoor cat. The road we live on isn't necessarily busy but there are the occassional boy racers who like to drive like maniacs. Our next door neighbour also owns several cats who are always fighting with other neighbourhood moggies.
She will venture into the back garden now and again but never wanders far, she will also come in the house when I do.