Discuss Discus!

Waterloo Kid

Fish Addict
Feb 21, 2003
Reaction score
Cardiff, Wales, UK
OK, enough of the silly titles!
My question is simple. Can I keep 2 Discus in my community tank (see signature below)? I will be removing the danios to make room.

I've been told before that I need to keep the water quality super high quality. I believe that my water quality is pretty good as it is. the parameters shown in my sig are stable with only a 25% per week water change. The parameters are always taken just prior to a water change so the nitrates shown are as high as they ever will be.

Waterloo Kid
IN a word yes,although im certainly no discus expert i cant see any potential problem tankmates on that list.
Discus like small calm tankmates and dont like having to compete for food so your selection seems perfect.
Will the water quality be OK for these sensitive fish? I've heard a few people mentioning 3 or 4 water changes a week. I simply don't have the time to do that!

Hi Waterloo Kid

Yes, discus will be fine in your water. You only need soft acidic water, if you want to breed them.

In my display tank I keep 8 discus, and they only get a weekly 25% water change.
Good Luck with the Discus WK. I can't see any problems with the tankmates, I am new to discus also and my tank mates aren't normal tank mates but everything seems fine so far.

I thought the PH had to be about 6.5, but as I said I am very new to discus and will take dolphins word for it. :D
Ok...Discus are extermely sensetive you may need to adjust ur water to the exact they need. hence don't get them yet. Yes those two discus should do fine witht that line up of fish.
I don't intend to change the water parameters at all. Fiddling with them will only lead to instability. I've been told that stability is more important than actual parameter values (up to a point at least).

The replies I've had so far are ALL welcome but they highlight a point many people have come across in this hobby. Different people will tell you different things. It's all a matter of experience I suppose! I've heard about Discus only needing very soft water to breed before (Dolphin's answer) and have also heard that it's best to keep them in very soft water at all times (Kossy). Anyone else have any opinions? So far it's a YES to keeping a couple, but it can all change.

Well as Dolphin is a profesional Discus breeder i think i might be tempted to take his information as good but if you really want to be sure then send a PM to CM and ask his opinion.
Sure does :lol: I dont know if Dolphin has started shipping fish yet but it might be worth dropping him a line,he has some very attractive breeding stock.
Are they any Discus breeders here if so what is your tank PH?

And what is your Tap PH?

That May answer one quesion :/

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