
discus are very beautiful but are also high maintenance. they require daily water changes and parameters have to be perfect. most discus tanks are void of decor and gravel to help with the upkeep. i would seriously consider if you have the time to devote to them before getting some. they are also not cheap, but well worth the trouble.

just would not want to see someone get discouraged.

semper fi
Here is a link for you to read for more Discus info. It says 55 gallon minimum tank size is recommended. Many fish may survive in tanks that are smaller than the ideal. The question is are they happy, or are they simply a prisoner in a cell? :sad:
Discus Fish
discus can get pretty big but in the right size tank and the proper filteration system there would be no need for daily water changes. well bearing inmind that the right size tank is big thease are big fish if you really want them more than anything one way of keeping them in too small a tank would be to get them small but have someone who has a bigger tank ready and on hand to take them off you when they out grow the tank.. or to get a bigger tank like ive been doing so far with my neons.
Discus also thrive in groups, the more of them there are the more secure they feel. I have been keeping them for approx a year now and would suggest if you can to keep the money you are looking at spending on them and put it towards a bigger tank. Aim for a 55g min and then you could get away with 4 or 5 in there.

As people have mentioned they are fairly high maintenance, although the bare tank / daily water changes are only really required if you are looking to breed. However they will still require good filtration and more regular water changes then most other species. I am changing 50% of a 55g at least twice a week (with a combination of RO and tap water).

They are beautiful, but will only thrive in the right enviroment, IMO wait until you can obtain the bigger tank and then you will be able to fully appreciate where you hard earn't cash went...... :D
A 20g tank is a little small even for a matched pair of discus. Your Discus would need at least 18" of depth. A 36"x18"x18" would be ok for four or six small 2.5" fish to grow on but the 48" length would be better. Discus are a shoaling fish so should be kept in groups when young. Do a good bit of research before making up your mind though as your water conditions need to be good and beleive me Discus are expensive to keep. :crazy:

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