Discus Wrigglers At Last

how big are yours now and how old, keep the pics coming aswell
how big are yours now and how old, keep the pics coming aswell
The male is about 5" and the female 5.5" they are just over 1 year, they are smaller than my others which i got at the same time, i believe this is because they put more energy into breeding than growing, breeding slows there growth if they are a young pair, i did put them back into the community tank to try and stop them but what can i say...they are in love.
Dad is doing most of the hard work mum only occasionally takes over. Gona try and hatch some baby brine shrimp for them tommorrow.
Day 3 free swimming with Mum

Regards Angel
Brilliant! One day I hope to keep Discus again but I don't have the time for all those water changes. Keep the pics coming! :good:
how big are yours now and how old, keep the pics coming aswell
The male is about 5" and the female 5.5" they are just over 1 year, they are smaller than my others which i got at the same time, i believe this is because they put more energy into breeding than growing, breeding slows there growth if they are a young pair, i did put them back into the community tank to try and stop them but what can i say...they are in love.
Dad is doing most of the hard work mum only occasionally takes over. Gona try and hatch some baby brine shrimp for them tommorrow.
Day 4 free swimming with Mum

Regards Angel

Ahhh What a sight. :wub: You must be proud. That must be amazing sight to witness when they start feeding off parents. I'm not sure but I don't think no other fish do that.
I bet I would never get tired of staring that for hours and hours.
I wish I can keep some group of Discus and would love to experience that.
is that a pigeon blood? or a turquoise? either way, its stunning! i could stare at it for hours! :hyper: :drool:
:drool: you have beautiful discus angel i love them and have bred myself not for a good few years now though but i know how much time care and effort goes into such a feat !! so ill take my hat off to you and wish all the best keep up the good work (and keep the pics coming :good: :good: )

not sure but dont Urau feed their young in a simular way ?? not sure though
How's the happy family doing, angelmouse? We love to see more family portrait. :shifty:

And do you have the brine shrimp hatchery in the tank? Just curious.
the fry are doing well i'll get some more pics tommorrow,.I have the bbs hatchery in another tank, it is a easy way to keep the temp right ang give it light, i have two running so i can feed them fresh batches every day, finding that i need to do 50% waterchanges every day to keep the water up to scratch for them as well.
Regards angel
You are awesome to post these pictures. :good: Thank you.
They are very nice and so cute :wub: All those tiny but bugged eyed babies. :lol:
Discus would be great but I'll settle for spawn(s) from my Rams or Angelfish for now. Hopefully they raise their own family soon. Can't wait to see the parent take care of their youngs.

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