Discus Question

Loony Fish

May 12, 2008
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hi all,
just wondering if i could put 3 small discus in a 40 gallon i have with a rainbow shark.
the fish are quite happy in the conditions the discus like.
The tank currently has 2 discus, the shark, 5 congos and 5 phantom tetras.
will that be ok?
if not, i can move some of the tetras.
TBH the tank size isn't really big enough for 5 discus and the tank mates are not ideal, the shark especially
You would be pushing it. Minimum group of 5 Discus is almost mandatory, sometimes you can get away with four. The problem with three small Discus, is that they will turn into three large Discus over time. Normally you want 10 gallons per Discus. You may be able to get away with 5 in a 40 gallon, but tank would have to be bare bottom, no ornaments and water changes done frequently.

As for the rainbow shark, I would say no. He is a catfish and should not be kept with Discus. Discus need much higher temperatures then a rainbow shark likes, rainbow sharks liking 25-27 degrees and Discus liking higher temperatures ideally 28-30. I would also be worried about the rainbow shark getting a little nippy with the Discus.
ok, thanks for the advice.
the weird thing is i've kept sharks and discus for years and had no problems.

I was advised not to keep angels with my discus but never had any problems with them. I don't know about sharks so can't comment on it.

As the guys have said Discus are shoaling fish and a group of them is better. If you were to put another two in and removed the shark and some tetras i think you would get away with it until they either paired (and had to be sold) or grew larger (new tank or sold). Water changes would have to be frequent and filtration would have to be good in the tank but it is possible but not ideal.

Goodluck whatever you choose to do.

Deff. agree and disagree on some points here. a 40 is 2 small no if buts or maybes for 5 adult discus, also its not good to add 3 small discus to already established discus, they are cichlids and do behave as such (part of the primary reason for schooling discus in large groups is to even out agression).

RAINBOW SHARKS ARE NOT CATFISH, they are cyprinids (sp?), I also have not had anyproblems with my redtail shark and my 3 discus in my 4'/55G tank. Many people forget that most discus are very much tank bred and far from being the fragile species they were even 10 years ago, I generally find dwarf cichlids much more fragile than discus (esp blu rams).

surely the 40gal depends on dimensions, i have a 40 gal 4ft long tank and not tall enough for discus yet a 40 gal 3ft tank would be tall enough:)
As for the rainbow shark, I would say no. He is a catfish and should not be kept with Discus.

is he? :blink:

he is a cyprinid, and is actually a type of minnow, ironic yes.

You think I should know this being in the hobby for almost 5 years :crazy:

I still probably wouldn't put the shark in with Discus though, I know another member that has one in his large tank with Discus, but I am not sure how well they handle high temperatures. That's the main thing I would be worried about.
yeah, i knew that, i said they were catfish to avoid an argument.

are wild discus smaller?
mine are wild and someone at the store told me they stay slightly smaller than the captive breeds.
Wrong way arround. Captive bred stock is smaller than wild caught stock :good:

IMO, if you are keeping wild caught stock you want at least a 4X2X2 foot tank. Captive bred Asian stock should get to 6-8" as adults. German bred stock should get to about a foot long. Wilds should get to dinner plate size at least...

All the best

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