Discus Please


Fish Fanatic
Mar 20, 2013
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Does anybody know where I can purchase some Discus and the proper care for them. If i get them I will be putting them in in a 55 gallon planted tank.
The proper care for them? Discus are very gentle and I advise you simply just spend a couple hours researching everything you'll need...they also need sponge filters if I remember correctly..
irodri25 said:
Does anybody know where I can purchase some Discus and the proper care for them. If i get them I will be putting them in in a 55 gallon planted tank.
The absolute minimum tank size is 75 gallons.
I've read a lot of articles on Discus and they said the minimum was a 55 for about 5-6 discus

were all these articles wrong?
They can ( and should ) grow to 8 inches. 8 inch fich are automatically needing at least a 75 g. Hope this helps. :)
I agree discus should be in 55s...however a lot of people keep pairs in 55gs not saying you should but for most of their lives i think a pair would be fine in a 55, never on 6 discus in a 55 though..
Discus need lots of company. In the wild they live in large groups and they have very advanced social interactions with one another.
Wherever you get them you need to have your set up pretty much exactly the same. 99% of stores use RO for their Discus. Frequent water changes to keep the water top notch. I'll let someone more knowledgeable on the specie answer but do your research, internet, buy a Discus book, ask tons of people and then decide. They're a big commitment!
If you keep discus rather than going by 'he said/she said', things seem a lot different. I would happily keep discusin 55g tanks, though no smaller than that, even growing them on with exceptions of course.
I kept four discus very much happily in 55g, I found that as a group of 4 they were very happy, the more discus you have, the more potential there is for them to be unhappy with their tank mates and an unhappy discus is an expensive mistake. I got lucky because I had 5 tanks discus could live in and swapped them round regularly until I could settle on groups that were happy, would dread to think what its like for people who cant do this as if the discus dont get on, you have to rehome one or t'other, simple as. Likewise if they start breeding, you will need to rehome the extras if you find you have a pair as they wont tolerate other discus so well.
I had a tank with a breeding pair, a tank with three babies, a tank with a shoal of 8 and a tank with a shoal of 4 and of all of them, the shoal of 4 were the happiest.

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