Discus Pictures


Fish Crazy
Feb 8, 2006
Reaction score
Plymouth, Devon
View attachment 39137Here's a couple of pictures of my discus and their home :D I had some of these fish for all but 3 years now. It'a not been all plain sailing, but me and the discus a battled on and we've all come through :)
If you have a query or your worried about your fish, don't be afraid to ask. I'll give you my opinion (for what it's worth :hyper: )

We'll start with this one, water change. Yes, with a hose pipe straight from the cold water tap...in the winter when the water gets colder they huddle up by the heater :shout:



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I'd turn the heater up a tad when putting cold water in, and do it in intervals so as not to do too huge a shock :good:
AWESOME. Those last ones are the type that I had for a bit :S
Awesome fish! They look so healthy... I love the pic of the reddish/orange discus hiding in the plant!
View attachment 39137Here's a couple of pictures of my discus and their home :D I had some of these fish for all but 3 years now. It'a not been all plain sailing, but me and the discus a battled on and we've all come through :)
If you have a query or your worried about your fish, don't be afraid to ask. I'll give you my opinion (for what it's worth :hyper: )

We'll start with this one, water change. Yes, with a hose pipe straight from the cold water tap...in the winter when the water gets colder they huddle up by the heater :shout:


Lovely looking tank and fish you have there, in fact I'm thinking of doing something very similar with my new 5ft tank so I've got a few questions for you.

Is that a discus only tank you have there or are you keeping other species in there? You mention in your post that you're filling the tank straight from the tank, lots of people who keep discus seem to swear by RO water only but I wasn't looking forward to having to shell out for an RO unit. Is the water quality straight from the tap ok?

Thanks for your help
Fish at the moment (85 gallon tank)

6 Discus
5 Corydora Sterbai
10 Rummy Nose Tetras
3 Clown Plecs
6 Dwarf Chain loaches
1 tiny Bristlenosed Plecs
1 Blue German Ram
35 Drawf Pencil Fish
Few Japonica Shrimps
20 Ottocinclus
1 Queen Arabesque Plec
3 SEA's (true)

Water, that depends very much on what it's like.
Mine runs straight off Dartmoor and it's very soft (very soft) with no measurable kH in fact the tank water is buffered by coral gravel in one of the filters to a kH of 3. Which gives my a pretty steady pH of around 6.2>6.4. Providing I do 2x 30+ gallon water changes a week.


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