Discus Needs Help


New Member
Sep 5, 2012
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Hi, I'm new to discus having had them just 3weeks. I've now had to quarantine one as it won't eat, it's now scarily thin and looking like its gona be a long shot to save it. I'm suspecting maybe the hex disease/infection? But as I've not seen it poop I can't be sure. And I'm struggling to find any uk meds the contain the drug needed to cure it. I have read about Epsom salts and fingers crossed should have some today. I've tried the fish on every food I can think of and it shows no interest at all. It's been quarantined for a few days with regular water changes and no improvement. I have no idea what I can do for him :-( please help x
Sorry just to add my water parameter are all as tgey should be, ph is 7, temp is 30c, recently wormed with kusuri and did the second dose 4 days later as if to treat for potential parasites with them being new. x
Just 1 is sick and quarantined , I have another 4 in main tank but they are all fine, big appetites, swimming about, normal poops even had them laying on Wednesday already and I didn't purposely buy pair it just happend :-/
Sounds like it is either internal parasites or wasting disease. Either way the treatment is the same:
5-7 Days treatment with praziquantel.
I can't recall in my head the exact dose, but it will be in the instructions.  I would then suggest keeping it quarantined while you let it get it's bulk back. This way it won't be competing for food with your other fish.
Where are you located?
What are you feeding it normally? As the food can have a direct bearing on the occurrence of parasites, as can stress.
Was this Discus being bullied by the others?   
What size tank are they in?
How often/how much water changes do you carry out?
I'm near Manchester in the uk. Is this treatment readily available here?
I feed frozen food such as beef heart, discus diet, bloodworm and flakes.
There was a bully in my tank and he bullied all the others so I returned him.
The tank is 190litres and water changes have been roughly every 4 days x
PM me if you need anymore help with this. I feel I know these fish inside out, and think I can give you honest advise from experience if you need it. 

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