Discus Keeping

@The Bendy Fella. Discus don't need a water change once a week but several times a week - 30%+. You need to ideally use RO or HMA filtered water - you have the water temp at c. 30c.

You need to remove all uneaten food *immediately* after feed and particularly if you are new to discus keeping you should have a bear bottomed tank - no substrate or plants to make sure that the tank is spotless as all times.

Taken from the bidka.org site under the basic care for discus:

10) Water change, water change, water change. It is almost impossible to give discus too much clean water. A w/c is the first line of defence. Discus in particular need clean water, you will note I have not mentioned ph/gh/kh/tds or conductivity, stable clean water is more important when starting out than so-called perfect water. Always make sure the water is free of chlorine/chloramine by using a dechlor agent if appropriate. 3 water changes a week of 33% is a sensible start point.

Unless you are doing this and will buy a bigger tank I would suggest (with the best intentions) that you take the discus back. They may survive but they will certainly not thrive and a tank of that volume your stats can change very very quickly and you may end up with no discus in any event.


Danny B

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