Fish Aficionado
whats the best discus food to feed them?
Hi, my Discus will only eat bloodworm and nothing else. I have tried flake, Tetra Prima for Discus, Tetra Cichlid Food, Tubifex, Beefheart, Brine Shrimp and also Improvit Frozen Discus Food - he just isn't interested in any of this. Only bloodworm.
Yesterday I but in a chunk of Salmon and he had a few bites of this before moving away.
Any ideas?
Most discus owners and breeders feed beefheart. If you go to the discus forum you will see that pretty much all of the experienced keepers include beefheart in the diets of their fish and they grow big and live long. I dont know where rabbut gets his info from but I dont think its personal experience as much as it is pseudoscience. No offense.
well i mean ii would agree, i wouldnt personally feed beefheart as feeding this all the time is not good for discus. its not a natural food, and can cause alot of potential problems.