Discus Fish


New Member
Jun 29, 2004
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First post so please be gentle.

I am in the process of maturing my first tropical fish tank and would like to get some discus.

Please could somebody let me know what the best small community fish I could keep with discus are ?

Thanks in advance
First off, welcome to the froum :)

Second, discus may not be the best fish to purchase for your first tropical tank, they're quite expensive and require good water quality and a lot of time/commitment. How big will the tank be?

A great fish to go with discus would be rummy nose tetras or Hemigrammus blehri

good luck :)
This sounds really bad but I am not really sure in terms of how much water the tank holds. The tank is approx 36 inches x 12 x 12 so very tall and thin (it's a column tank).

I am only in the early stages of maturing the tank so just really trying to find out as much as possible about everything before even considering exactly what to get and stocking levels etc so any advice is greatly appreciated.

However, I am very dedicated so hopefully with the right advice I will get it right first time.

I am going back to the store where I bought the tank to find out the exact water volumes but they seem to think that a smaller pair of discus would be ok in a tank of this size with a few other small fish ?
maybe you're already planning on doing this, but you should think about trying fishless cycling although deciding which fish your going to get is still a good idea so you can regulate your PH accordingly.
also if you're curious about your tanks volume go to the home page of this site and there's a "volume calculator" a little underneath the forums. :D
Young Discus should be kept in groups so that none of the group are overly bullied. I would strongly advise you against two young Discus, you tank is also to small for these fish. Why not try a nice community tank with Tetras, Loaches and more and then you can lead on to more tanks and more and more fish. :)
I would also have to agree that discus aren't a good choice at this time, for a beginner with a relatively small tank (by the way, your tank is about 22 US gallons).

Also, if I read correctly, your tank has a 12"x12" footprint, and is 36" tall?

If that's the case, then you're sort of limited, as there's not a whole lot of horizontal swimming room.

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