Discus Feeding


Fish Crazy
Apr 8, 2011
Reaction score
kent, UK
Hey all, got 2 young discus yesterday and am not TOTALLY sure what to feed them and when. So far i am feeding the whole tank a pinch of tetramin, a pinch of spectrum community formula and algea wafers for the bottom in the morning and in the evening i give the same with bloodworms. Yesterday, i didn't put any bloodworm in because my lfs had fed them before i picked them up, anyway, they didn't seem to eat any of the flake or pellets, correct me if i'm wrong, but its probably cos they were very shy as it was their first day in the tank!! Thanks in advance, Alex :good:
I feed my discus a variety of frozen foods-bloodworm,brineshrimp,granules + beefheart.
They may not feed for a few days, yes it can be because they're shy, or they don't like the food, a couple of my discus didn't eat for weeks :crazy:
Just keep an eye on them.
young discus need very frequent feeding with small meals. a mixture of good quality foods like beefheart, tetra prima, brineshrimp etc. thats why you need to keep up with the water changes. im currently feeding my 3.5-4.5inch discus 4-6 times daily with 50% daily water changes. what maintanence regime are you looking at following?
you need to be doing more water changes than that with discus that young. did the lfs you got them from give you any advise? ive replied in your other thread so just reply here if its easier.
yeah, they said every week do a 50% water change. I know discus need good water conditions.
as usual your lfs have gave you bad information. with discus this size they need very frequent water changes and 50% weekly just isnt enough. they need very frequent feeding and because of this your nitrates will be higher. discus are very sensitive to nitrates so need the water changes. are you using a good dechlorinater like seachem prime? do the lfs you got them from normally sell discus? i see the tank is a community set up, whats its size and what are the tankmates?
for my 8 discus I feed

pinch of flakes in the morning

then again later on (they dont eat too quicklym they tend to graze)

then later in the day i give them 1 pull block of either bloodworm, shrimp or 'discus blocks' which i bought from one of the larger pets at home. (basically beefheart, spinach and both of the above.

occasionally ill feed them 2 blocks
that feeding regime is fine when adult or near but young 3 inch discus is completely different.

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