Discus Biotope


Fish Crazy
Mar 3, 2007
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here the new biotope:

first i made a background, this is stood behind the glass to give depth


then the tank:



thats gonna look amazing once its got discus in it great work
lol stoner fish haha then they will eat like pigs haha

im going to get some corydoras for the clean up crew. there going in tommorrow. then i am not sure wether to go for cardinal or rummy nose tetras. i believe neons struggle with the temps,

i may add my 4th filter on there too haha

Nice tank man! Definitely gonna look stunning when it's finished. Do you have a build journal of it?

By the way, I think your discus will love the marijuana you have in there! Think of all the trippy, colorful fish they will be looking at. :hyper:

That is pretty sweet. How many gallons is it? What kind of filtration? Whats your mantenience/feeding plan going to be? Starting with adult or juvi discus? Wild or Tankbred? What strains?

I'd go with cardinal tetras personally. They are kind of the standard discus tankmate.
the tank is just under 4ft x 2ft x1.5ft, its approx 55gallons,

then i have a 3ft sump underneath that adds an extra 15-20 gallons into the mix, this turns the tank over about once, maybe twice an hour if im lucky.

then i have the following external filters:

penn-plaxx cascade 1000 (265 gph)
ehiem pro (200 gph)
fluval 205 (180 gph)
interpet epf 150 (30 gph)

so a total of 675 gph so turn over of 12.7 times on full chat, so if we say 10 times plus the sump,

maintance wise i was planning on a semi automatic drip system, daily-dripping in 5 gallons, then in the evening vaccuming out the bottom and taking out another 5 gallons, but unsure now -

food wise, i will see what the breeder feeds etc, i want to get the biggest fish i can,

i want to get cardinals, but my lfs doesn't have any in stock, and i have £30 credit left with them haha

hey guy's

well bit the bullet!! went to look at the discus breeders stock, he had fish ranging in size, from babies to adults to pairs, hi setup was really clean and well cared for, i took the advice and went for the larger fish,

i went for a group of 5 he said they were about 9 months old, size wise, the smallest is about 3.5" fin to fin vertically, checked all the eye sizes etc , the largest is about 4.5" id say.

god knows what i bought lol, very amatuerish thing to do haha, but i have a couple with spots and the rest jaguar markings, some really nice fish though.

i also got some of his food, dry tetra discus food, he does vary though, i aclimatised, them etc but checked his water to mine and our waters were practically the same, i also added black water tonic.

i also got the clean up crew:

Salt and Pepper corydoras x4

and the dither fish:

Black Neon Tetra x25

before pics, just a few ????
i gave the fish time to settle in, before the lights were dimly put on, approx 5hrs... none of the fish have coloured down, i have one pearl white that is hiding, near the durso, but does pop its head out, think its just shy lol- hopefully. i fed them sparingly but they didn't take any food that i saw, but thats expected, the corys liked it though, will discus feed off the substrate???, one has. also can i use normal tropical flake for the other fish???

pics are really crappy, need to learn how to do them, and clean the back of my tank too lol







comments and tips very welcome haha
i do have one thats a bit nippy, but i think there starting to sort their order out
Discus dont generally take to flake. They need a meaty diet. The only dry food that my discus will eat is Tetra color bits. Those fish need to be fed 4-5 times a day as they are still young and you should be doing daily gravel vacs.

Feed Frozen blood worms, Brine shrimp and a Beefheart mix will help promote growth. A full grown discus should be 6-7" from nose to end of tail. 3.5"TL is slightly small for a 9 month old fish.

Looks like you have at least two Blue Turquise and the others look to be some strain of Pigeon Blood.

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