Discus And Female Bettas

I've never heard of anyone keeping them together.. I don't know how bettas would react to the low ph discus require.

There would also be a chance of fighting between them.
bettas in the natural wild lives in a low ph.And female bettas have a lower tendancy to fight especialy other fish.If anything wouldnt the discus attack the betta? Thanks,Ben.
Discus don't need a low Ph but the temp will be up around 28-30C.
considering the size difference a female betta would mroe likely get eaten. althoguh they are pretty hardy and can hide when needed.
i won't even dare getting small females.PLus i would get a small discus.A discus would eat a 1 1/2 inch fish?? .The tank will be very very well planted.Bettas live in temps around 25-30 anyway.

So if the ph and temp is ok?

would it be ok to keep them together?

it's called trial and error :) if you see signs that it isn't working then you can take the fish out. any particular reason you wanted this combo? obviously the discus needs the right water so you will have to set everything according to what the discus like and hope for the ebst for your betta.
well,i used to breed bettas but stopped.And i am having a big tank(95g) in the hall.And i love discus and think they look amazing espceicaly if the tank was nice.I think ill try it and see.Thanks,Ben.
Remember your looking at 10 gallons per discus and ideally you want at least 6. Cardinal tetras can be big enough that discus won't eat them once they are grown so a 1.5" betta should be fine for size. If your looking for more discus specific info have you tried Simply Discus?

After a quick serch over there I found this http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=U3couG2rs9E
thanks! so if i have 6 discus and if you can have 5 females per 10g i could fit 15 female bettas and a group of 6 discus? Will most likely do 10 females with 7 discus.Thanks,Very good help.

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