Discus And Endlers


Fish Fanatic
Nov 4, 2006
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anyone ever tried this combination? a few people have recommended guppies with discus but i've already got those, want to try something slightly different :)
Unless you have a seriously well planted tank your Endlers will be discus food

Remember discus are cichlids and are predators, not really suited to be in the same tank as Endlers who are much smaller ( but much prettier ) than guppies

that ones a cutie...

my discus are only young at the moment, once they were large enough to be snacking on tankmates the tankmates would change homes to another of my tanks. apart from temperature all my tanks have the same water values as the local guy i got my discus from only used regular dechlorinated tapwater, he tried ro with no sucess, so their water is treated exactly the same as the others, although obviously with larger water changes. what other fish do people here keep with their discus, both young and adult?
i personally wouldnt

its like spending a fortune on a nice new car, then getting the cheapest possible mechanic to service and look after it!!!

What i mean is Endlers are guppies really, and i wouldnt mix posh fish with commoners!!!! LOL

and i keep guppies and dont keep Discus, so its not that i am overly snobbish with it, its just my view
Endlers are NOT guppies, they have a totally different name Poecilia Wingei and the guppy is Poecilia Reticulata

They can interbreed and the resultant hybrids are very pretty, but they are not guppies.

Personally having kept both, I would much prefer Endlers
Yes KOD you are right, i should have made it clear, thats just in my own personal opinion, Guppies, Endlers.... same thing!!! Just my opinion, not a fact. I do keep both and yes i certainly prefer Endlers.

Edit: with the exception of the montrosities (guppies) that get bred out in Asia, the ones that seem specifically made to kark it within 3-months and spread disease within your tank!!!!
Sorry, I actually meant I preferred Endlers to Discus.
nice answers, thanks :) on reading them i think i'll skip the endlers now, is there anything else that anyone can recommend to go with them? the tanks aren't actually overstocked, i'm supposing you're looking straight at the angel tank too lol they're babies yet and defo getting upgraded as they grow, i'd never be intentionally cruel to my fish they're my pets :) also i'll eventually be getting bigger tanks for goldfish & plecs, they'll definately outgrow what they're in now too, but until i move this summer i've got no room for a 6 footer and knowing my luck it'd get broken during the move, but i expect they'll have a new biiiiiiig tank by july :)

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