We have had 5 Rummy nose tetras for a few months now, and the all seem to be fine, in that they are acting normal and coming up to eat etc
However, one seems to have developed an off white colouring above its red nose, and along its body.
I have tried to take a picture, this is the best I could achieve.
The fish seems fine otherwise and is always first to come up for food. Any ideas if this is a problem or not?
We have had 5 Rummy nose tetras for a few months now, and the all seem to be fine, in that they are acting normal and coming up to eat etc
However, one seems to have developed an off white colouring above its red nose, and along its body.
I have tried to take a picture, this is the best I could achieve.

The fish seems fine otherwise and is always first to come up for food. Any ideas if this is a problem or not?