
hmm, if you did use dechlorinator then I wonder if it wasnt the chlorine, but possible something bacterial or sewage related if there was flooding anywhere near the water source.

I dont know if it would help the rest, but you could try a water change with some bottled water, like 5 gallon jugs, lots of dechlorinator and perhaps some antibiotics. it sounds a little desperate, but maybe it would prevent you from loosing any more.
I already scooped the surviving ones into jars and used water from my 55 gal tank. I'm wary about doing any water changes now.
Sounds like water contaminated from impact of hurricane as you suspect hence why chlorine increased to combat rise in bacteria and other nasties. Real shame you lost so many fish.

Are you okay? Any impact to you or your house etc? Biggest disaster to affect me recently has been Lehmans bankruptcy so hurricanes seem to have vanished from news - 14 - 15 hour days since last Tuesday every day (I work for American bank in UK).
yarr, bank stuff is scary, i work for citizens in usa, its owned by the royal bank of scotland, and we are ok, citizens and rbs has always been a little more consertivave and are not having problerms with the bad loans like lehams,,,
but any way,,
had a little old lady come in today asking if all her money was gone,, took a few minits to get her to understand that we dont have anything to do with the crap and we are fdic insured anyway.. poor lady ,, was just confused.

baa i cant spell, just let me count my money and i am ok in my own little world... hehe
I'm so sorry to hear that Constantine :sad:

Like Remz said, you are a good fish keeper and this was beyond your control.

I was told that with high amounts of rain and surface runoff, the ph could swing rapidly. I have no idea if this is true, but it would explain things. I'm sure someone will know if there's any merit to this....
yarr, bank stuff is scary, i work for citizens in usa, its owned by the royal bank of scotland, and we are ok, citizens and rbs has always been a little more consertivave and are not having problerms with the bad loans like lehams,,,
but any way,,
had a little old lady come in today asking if all her money was gone,, took a few minits to get her to understand that we dont have anything to do with the crap and we are fdic insured anyway.. poor lady ,, was just confused.

baa i cant spell, just let me count my money and i am ok in my own little world... hehe

Hey! I work for RBSI (RBS International) in Jersey :p Cool that we're under the same brand, good company to work for! ;)

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