Disaster Strikes A Small House In Michigan


Apr 26, 2005
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Hersey, MI
Well...Steel told us once, and Im going to say it again. DO NOT BUY A NANO CUBE 24 Gal. I came home last night at 2am and it was gone. I managed to save a feather duster, a few snails, and my cardnal fish. All my corals were dead. It had cracked, in almost the exact same place as steels, but I wasnt home to catch it. I just lost a ton of money in livestock, and in a useless tank.

Steel if you have JBJ's phone number I would appreciate it, they will be hearing from me as soon as I find it.
So sorry to hear about this. There is simply no excuse for shoddy workmanship when livestock is involved. I know that the monetary loss is in the back of your mind at the moment but i would do my utmost to ensure that i was compensated for this tragic event.
Very sorry to hear that, hope you manage to get some compensation out of them.

Still won't replace the hard work and time you put into the tank though :/
thanks for all the caring. I am very sad about this. I still cant find my psuedochromis, only thing I can think of is that he was inside a peice of live rock when the water level went down. :-( I have been shaking the rock in the tank I have it setting in trying to keep the cure, but he hasnt fallen out. :-( He was my favorite fish.

I called JBJ lastnight, and I was bounced around to four different people before finally leaving a voice mail in someones box. I told him what I told all of them. At the very LEAST I want a refund for their poorly made tank. I also told them I would be calling daily until a check arrived in the mail. I meant it. I will be calling daily.
Well because it has been a recognised issue in the manufacturing process, thus meaning since then they have been pulled from sale you are entitled by law to a full refund on the tank, and really they should be prepared to refund the cost of livestock that was also lost in the process.

Did you buy the tank direct or from a local store? If you bought it from a local store within the last 12 months then it is there legal obligation to sort it out for you, then they will get refunded by JBJ. If you bought it from JBJ direct then you need to ask to speak to their supervisor or the most senior person available, don't settle speaking to a sales person.

You want to inform them of the problem, that you have read all the issues that people have been having with the 24G tank and that you are expecting to be refunded by them as soon as possible as you need to buy a new tank to house the remaining livestock (etc.).

Be firm, dont take any sh*t and make sure that you are not fobbed off by them because they dont want to have to refund you for anything if they can get away with it.

Hi...I just caught this thread. I'm so sorry to hear that this happened. It just goes to show people that many of the disasters occur latently. JBJ's cube was OK for the 12 and 6, but, when they increased the volume to 24G's, they didn't thicken the glass. At a meager 3 mms and change, it's just too thin. Many people order it over the internet or ebay which I CAUTION against.....won't take the abuse.

On the postive side, they have upgraded the '06 version including thicker glass (at least 5mm), added better pumps and added a surface skimmer.

JJ...take digital pix of your tank. Try emailing the photos to [email protected]. If you have a copy of the aquarium purchase receipt, send a copy of that as well. They should replace your tank HOWEVER....ask for an '06 version or get a letter from them saying that they will ship you one. In the mean time, look into these:

1) Oceanics 30G cube...solid beautiful tank
2) Go with an AGA
3) check out nanotuners.com and see if they have the AquaPod available yet

It's sad....I'm sure mine is a ticking time bomb. They shipped me a replacement but, it has some visual defects in the glass that makes me think it is more risk than the one I have. I might use that one as a prop tank in my basement (which is unfinished).

JJ..if I can be of any further help, PM me. SH
I unfortunitly dont have a digital camera. I do have the receipt. I had on order a 55 gallon Acrylic...which is what makes this all the more tragic in my mind.

I would not accept a new cube, I simply am asking for a refund of the purchase price on the one that died.

as for the tank itself, It was taken away last night by the garbage men. Along with the bodies of my coral. I had no where to store it, and since I live where its currently snowing, leaving it outside was not an option.
So sorry to hear. Another option if you wanted to go back to a small tank is..perhaps..why not start up a pico? You could do a 2.5 pretty cheaply. We really don't have a good pico thread here. I've been wanting to try one, but, don't have time for another tank. What do you think? SH
Well mainly because I had done the small tank, and was ready to move up to the biggest tank I can afford. A pico is a thought, but once again, my wife was very close to making me get rid of all the tanks in the house. She was upset in a different way over this tank breaking.

I have been slowly buying for the bigger tank, and that will take my time and money for a while, but a pico is a thought....

BTW...JBJ must have taken the entire week off for thanksgiving, no replies to many many voice messages.
We'll have to start a thread...I hope to do a 2.5 G. Not for now tho'..if I start a 4th tank, my clothes will be in a suitcase on the front stoop. SH

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