Disaster In The 10 Gallon Divided Tank


"No one is a failure unless you try"
Mar 18, 2004
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Yesterday two of my fish jumped their dividers. Completely unrelated. Let's say there are 5 compartments, numbered like so:
Betta 2 jumped into compartment 1 and betta 4 jumped into compartment 3. It should have dawned on me something might be wrong since I've never had long-finned fish jump like that before, much less two in the same day, but everyone ate and seemed fine so I didn't think much of it. Today Raziel was dead, Mikhael died shortly afterwards, and everyone else in the tank (Loki, the new tropical-looking green/yellow guy, and Gilarion) looked horrible. No outward signs of disease, just pale and lethargic. Loki and Gilarion were actually lying on their sides. I put them all in my plastic juvie containers with some fresh water and IAL extract and they seem to have perked up, which tells me it is almost certainly a water problem

Here's the kicker folks.... 0 ammonia, 0 nitrite, 20 nitrate. The only thing I can think of that it might have been was the shower soother I used the day they jumped compartments. It's a thing you put in the shower that releases vapors to help with colds and whatnot. I could smell the vapors in that whole end of the house when I finished my shower, and the divided tank is closest to the bathroom. Be careful, folks.

The albimarginata tank is an equal distance from the bathroom actually, but it's completely sealed off so they can't jump out. I know they're fine because they spawned again today :look:
Oh, poor boys. :rip: Raziel and Mikhael. I hope the others recover quickly! Shower soothers have been added to my non-betta-friendly list. Thanks for the warning!
what exactly is a shower soother? can you give us a brand name or something else to go on? sorry for your loss :(
I am so sorry. When anything like this happens it makes me want to stop keeping fish. I hope your other fishes are ok. I was going to go out and get another betta today but am undecided as both my boys dont like being in a split tank. Hope you are all recovered a bit more now. :(
Sorry to hear that, happened to me once, now I have plastic canvas covering the tops of the dividers.
:( I had this happen last week in my divided tank. My red vt and copper male got together. Then my copper jumped into the marbles side...My mistake was I had water level to high and the hood off the tank while cleaning. They weren't in together for more than a minute.But what they did to their fins. :/ I've dropped the water level and the hood is on all time now. Everyone is ok just don't look as pretty. (really seperated now)
Thanks for posting that. You remind us how important air quality outside the tank is and what we should be mindful of. So your loss is not all in vain. Maybe you saved a few others by doing so. Sorry this happened to you.
So sorry Synirr....

Most things like that are toxic to bettas. Thanks for posting it to make others aware.
So sorry, Synirr.

I lose way too many fish. I am too ashamed often to even say there is trouble. I always assume I did something or didn't do another. Any other pet I would give it up. If I lost dogs like I lose fish....
Or even if they got sick as much....

Let us know how the survivors are doing.
Gilarion passed today. Half of Loki's fins have turned black and are just falling off, but he's much more active, and the new guy is still just pale and lethargic.
I don't think it's the shower soother, Syn... I have been using Kaz in my vaporizor (I've been incredibly sick with croup) and that's only about 4-5 feet away from my bettas as I am in a dorm room. Kaz releases the EXACT same vapors that those shower soothers do, and I've been using it for a couple days straight now, and it's STRONG as I'm in such a small room. All 5 of my fish are completely normal.

I'm so sorry for your loss, Syn. :(

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