Disappointing Fish?


Sep 23, 2007
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Just wondered if anyone had ever bought a fish that they were really excited about, but it turned out to be a disappointment?

I'm always excited about a new and different fish, and generally I continue to love them, but occasionally you get one that isn't as exciting as you'd hope. For me, it has to be my bettas. I bought them because they are gorgeous, but they have zero personality, don't do anything except just float around lazily.

The fish I bought which turned out to be even better than I thought is my BN plec - I can't get enough of watching him/her!

yup, I bought this really nice looking piece of cod the other evening but it gave me terrible indigestion :sick:

:blush: not that kind of thread?.....sorry. I'll just crawl back under my stone
Same with my betta, I think they have no personality and are just boring fish........bUT everyone to their own taste
and platys aswell and sucking loaches
I think most small fish are a bit dissapointing after a while :p When i started of i thought rams etc were going to be great to keep, turns out there not that exciting after all.
Silver tipped tetre.

They looked great having bright colours in the tank, until they killed all the others in 2 weeks. :/ Was not amused.
Congo tetra, dwarf neon rainbow fish, bristlenose pleco, platies, flying fox all very disappointing and boring
i personally dont really like danios, I have 4 but ehhh if i could find someone to take them i would.
yup, I bought this really nice looking piece of cod the other evening but it gave me terrible indigestion :sick:
:blush: not that kind of thread?.....sorry. I'll just crawl back under my stone
LOL :)

Congo tetra, dwarf neon rainbow fish, bristlenose pleco, platies, flying fox all very disappointing and boring
Congo tetras, they are nicely coloured but are pretty boring otherwise. But praecox rainbows, very unusual. The rainbows normally spend all day showing off to each other. How many do you have and are they full grown? Most rainbowfish start out dull, drab and boring but when they mature the males look stunning. Check out the two rainbows on this page :)

Would probably have to be my clown plecos, i still love'em, but all they do is hide and cr*p all day long (and they produce a heck of a lot of poop at that for such small plecos) every time i see one of them about i feel obliged to take a picture since it is so rare to see them out and about- my para pleco and common pleco's are much better for activity levels (particularly the para pleco) :good: .
yup, I bought this really nice looking piece of cod the other evening but it gave me terrible indigestion :sick:
:blush: not that kind of thread?.....sorry. I'll just crawl back under my stone
LOL :)

Congo tetra, dwarf neon rainbow fish, bristlenose pleco, platies, flying fox all very disappointing and boring
Congo tetras, they are nicely coloured but are pretty boring otherwise. But praecox rainbows, very unusual. The rainbows normally spend all day showing off to each other. How many do you have and are they full grown? Most rainbowfish start out dull, drab and boring but when they mature the males look stunning. Check out the two rainbows on this page :)


I have adults, 2 pairs, boring boring boring
i have a bn plec who stays in his cave ALL THE TIME!!!!!!! i have no idea what time he comes out, but on the odd ocassion that his cave has been empty i still cant find him! might see a few bristles poking out the top of his cave but thats about it. :(
had a dora catfish a while back. he was brilliant for about a week, then after that i literally never saw him.

when we stripped down the tank and took all the fish to the lfs we netted all the fish, then left the tank with some water and decor and stuff still in while we took the fish back to the lfs. got home and started stripping the rest of the tank down, moved a rock and oh yeah there's that dora. still alive and absolutley fine, knew he was in there, just when i was catching them it was easy to forget him cos i never saw him anyway :rolleyes:
all my bettas have a great personality. but...... some we have in the shop are lazy and boring. i think they are all so different that its luck of the draw with them.

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