Disapearing Fish


New Member
Sep 23, 2008
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Hi in my tank (30l Biorb) i had:

2 red honey gouramis
1 orange tailed black shark
1 betta
1 rose tetra
2 platys
3 ottos
2 neon tetra
2 tiger barbs

1 reb clawed crab

one of my honey gouramis and 2 neon tetras have vanished and no carcusses can be found

any ideas?
How long has the tank been set up, is it fully cycled?

Do you have current water parameters? Ammonia, nitrIte, nitrAte, ph.

Is the betta male?

I have to say I think that is far too many fish for a 30L biorb to accomodate, sorry.
My guess is the Red Claw Crab, and agreed with Minx thats way too many fish for a 30L Biorb
ammonia = 0.2
nitrite = 0
nitrate = 40

I think it is a male better as it has very large fins as aposed to the small female ones

the tank is about a month old, and i know i have done things wrong,

thanks for the replys
Oh gosh, please tell me you have the nitrIte and nitrAte the wrong way around.

Ok as you have only had the tank for one month, Im going to assume you have been cycling with fish in? Therefore the deaths could be down to the high levels of ammonia and nitrIte that the fish have been exposed to, there would be no bodies left as fish will eat them once they are dead, althought as Andy says maybe the crab had something to do with it, you will probably never know.

I dont know if you've seen the beginner resource centre, its pinned in the new to the hobby section of the forum, however, have a good read thru this topic by Miss Wiggle, which will guide you thru the fish cycling process: http://www.fishforums.net/index.php?showtopic=175355
sorry water stats were the wrong way round

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