minimum is 30 gallons, with no other fish. its kinda cramped, but they will survive. if you can get a 30 gallon long, that would be better. put anything with it that can fit in its mouth and its gone
Oy.. I dunno if I'd agree with that. They can get to be 20 inches long and a 30 gal, long or not, would probably only afford the bichir enough room to turn around at max size. Nevermind having someplace to sleep during the day, etc. I guess that's why you said "survive" though, huh?
oop! My bad They only get about a foot in an aquarium. The ornates can get 20" I've read - eventhough the tag at the store says 12". I suspect if you throw either in a big enough tank they'll get as big as they like, though