Plecostomos Fan
Fish Crazy
Backtropical, it would be nice if you found more time or had some help when viewing the entries, we take the time and effort to take pics only to have them rejected for small reasons which i think could be averted if you had more time.
For instance if one looks at the posts in the Member's Aquarium and Fish Pictures, you can see the same tank of a member just with different shots of his/her fish.
We have to prove its our fish and tank, which i can not understand why anyone woud want to put forward an entry if its not your own, what would be the point in that?
I understand you must have your reasons but by your own admission you have "very limited time" which is not our fault and i think we require a little "more" of your time.
For instance if one looks at the posts in the Member's Aquarium and Fish Pictures, you can see the same tank of a member just with different shots of his/her fish.
We have to prove its our fish and tank, which i can not understand why anyone woud want to put forward an entry if its not your own, what would be the point in that?
I understand you must have your reasons but by your own admission you have "very limited time" which is not our fault and i think we require a little "more" of your time.