Digestive Ennui


New Member
Aug 27, 2004
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Good evening,

My plecostomus Alonso seems to be permanently trailing faecal matter, and my tank appears to be delicately saturated in traces of said excrement. I've experimented with alterations in his dietary intake (e.g. cucumber, algal wafers, etc.) and it gives me the impression that there has been no overbearing effect on the seemingly infinite trail of colonic output rupturing forth from his anal sphincter. Whilst there does not appear to be any palpable connotations regarding his external vigour, I would be partial to a formal evaluation from a knowledgeable aquarist; is this customary for a hypostomus and under the proviso of a negative riposte, does an applicable solution to this plethoric distribution of detritus exist?

I should be exceedingly appreciative of any pertinent information given.


Almost all plec's poop a lot. They eat constantly, and need to eat a lot because the foods they ingest (plant foods) are not high energy. If necessary, do water changes with gravel vac more frequently, maybe up to 2-3 times a week.
Crikey Stav, Eaten a dictionary have you?

Anyway, the answer is in the affermative, Plecs are veritable faecal factories producing more effluant per gram bodyweight than almost any other fish in the hobby.

Don't worry. It's normal.

By the way, is your name "Stav's Betta" a reference to "Stavromula Beta", the place where Aggrajag finally died for the first time? (in linear time)

Or have you no idea what I'm on about? In which case, ignore me. :D
Hey people,

I just thought it would be a good life for me to file the most esoteric (using long words that few people understand) post I could muster!

Cheers for the replies, I was a bit worried 'cos all he seems to do is eat, sleep and excrete! 'Spose there's not a lot else for him to do.

By the way, my name is unfortunately nothing to do with Stavromula Beta (which I vaguely recognise), it's actually a reference to my nickname Stav, and the fact I've just started breeding my Siamese Fighters (Betta Splendens for those who aren't up on the Latin)

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