Different Types

All crosses with severum, acara or green terror in it are not possible. all others are. I think its weird how people think selective breeding is playing god. I wouldn't do any of those hybrid personally. Is there a specific goal in this hybrid? IMO a goal should be thought up before selecting species to hybridize.
All crosses with severum, acara or green terror in it are not possible.
Why do you say its not possible with severum? I thought they would cross breed. Not doubting you, just wanting to understand.
sevs have cross bred with convicts before so im not sure where you get your info
sevs have cross bred with convicts before so im not sure where you get your info
That would be the first known Severum hybridizing with a central american. I can't believe this without some proof besides a picture of what looks like something that might be a severum convict hybrid. Pictures of a severum and convict guarding a batch of fertile eggs or fry and I might believe it. People have tried crossing severums for many years with no success.
The hybrid pictured above looks a lot like my green. Different pattern on the striping.


Depending on his mood or the lighting, his stripes will turn almost completely black like the photo above.
Those stripes on the severum are perfectly normal for severums (and discus if you look at pictures), they are stress bars, they appear when the fish is nervous or scared.
Those stripes on the severum are perfectly normal for severums (and discus if you look at pictures), they are stress bars, they appear when the fish is nervous or scared.
He gets mad at me when I have the camera :p He's shy. He didn't get dark like that until i started trying to take picture :rofl: I feel bad now cause I stressed him out.
No need to try be smart with that reply.

As mentioned check Star4(member) she has had it happen and has pics to prove it.
LOL!!!!!!!!!!!! If Lesley (Star4) says it is a Sev x Con then that is what it is. She has been breeding fish for ages and has no reason to lie.
I checked out her thread. I guess I am eating my own words know. I guess weird things happen. I know of so many people who have attempted crossing a Central American with a South American(excluding festaes, there more closely related to Centrals though)and failed. I think it was some sort of 1 in a million thing. I will give anyone anyone who recreates a Severum Convict hybrid a virtual cookie :lol:

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